reusch­law Update – Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty requi­re­ments for machinery


Date 04.05.2023, 4pm-5:30pm

The Euro­pean Uni­on (EU) is spin­ning an incre­asing­ly den­se web of legal requi­re­ments for the cyber secu­ri­ty of machi­nery. The­re are requi­re­ments for cer­tain types of pro­ducts, such as radio equip­ment, but also regu­la­ti­ons, such as the Cyber Resi­li­ence Act, which will app­ly to all digi­tal pro­ducts in the future. With the NIS‑2 direc­ti­ve, the cyber secu­ri­ty of com­pa­nies is also coming more into legal focus. The web­i­nar gives par­ti­ci­pan­ts an over­view of the legal requi­re­ments for cyber secu­ri­ty of machi­nery and manu­fac­tu­r­ers and the neces­sa­ry steps to imple­ment the new requi­re­ments in practice.

Ses­si­on 1: Legal requi­re­ments
Spea­k­er: Ste­fan Hes­sel, Head of Digi­tal Busi­ness, reuschlaw

  • Over­view: Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty requi­re­ments for machinery
  • Deep dive: EU Cyber Resi­li­ence Act and EU NIS‑2 Directive
  • Lawyer’s tip: Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Com­pli­ance Management

Ses­si­on 2: Imple­men­ta­ti­on and Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Pro­gram Struc­tu­re
Spea­k­er: Tobi­as Gab­ler, Munich Con­sul­ting Group GmbH and Dr. Guy Sagy

  • The importance of Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Program
  • Key Buil­ding blocks: Risk Assess­ment, Deve­lo­p­ment Pro­ces­ses, Vul­nerabi­li­ty Manage­ment, Sup­p­ly Chain Security
  • First Step: Pro­cess imple­men­ta­ti­on and gap analysis 

The event will be held as a web­i­nar on May 5th, 2023 from 4pm‑5:30pm using Zoom video con­fe­ren­cing software.

The regis­tra­ti­on is alre­a­dy closed.


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