The auto­mo­bi­le world in a pro­cess of chan­ge – impacts on the sup­p­ly chain


Date ,

Solu­ti­on sel­ling – IATF 16949 – field ana­ly­sis of defec­ti­ve parts

Auto­mo­ti­ve sup­p­ly indus­try 2018 from 26 to 28 Sep­tem­ber at Klos­ter Hornbach

What’s new in the auto­mo­ti­ve world? On day one, Dr. Andre­as Bra­asch will be revie­w­ing many aspects of the sup­p­ly chain:

  • solu­ti­on sel­ling as a new dri­ving force in war­ran­ty management
  • IATF 16949:2016 and the Ger­man Auto­mo­bi­le Indus­try Association’s (VDA) new field ana­ly­sis of defec­ti­ve parts
  • the war­ran­ty audit as a means of brin­ging pres­su­re to bear

Along­side his mana­ge­ri­al work, D. Eng. Andre­as Bra­asch spe­cia­li­ses in the sub­jects of war­ran­ty manage­ment and safe­ty in auto­ma­ted dri­ving. As regards war­ran­ty, he backs the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of cor­po­ra­te pro­ces­ses and modern data ana­ly­sis methods as a means of streng­thening the posi­ti­on of his cus­to­mers in war­ran­ty nego­tia­ti­ons. As the initia­tor of the Ber­gi­scher Zukunfts­sa­lon Auto­mo­ti­ve and orga­nis­er of the Ber­gi­sches Qua­li­täts­fo­rum, Andre­as Bra­asch encou­ra­ges the regio­nal net­wor­king of rese­arch insiti­tu­ti­ons and enter­pri­ses. He also tea­ches relia­bi­li­ty plan­ning (at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wup­per­tal) and relia­bi­li­ty manage­ment (at the Hoch­schu­le Ruhr West ?HRW?).

For more infor­ma­ti­on on this event go to


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