State­ment: the NIS2 Imple­men­ta­ti­on and Cyber Secu­ri­ty Streng­thening Act from a busi­ness perspective

On 7 May 2024, the Fede­ral Minis­try of the Inte­ri­or (BMI) published the first offi­ci­al draft of the NIS2 Imple­men­ta­ti­on and Cyber Secu­ri­ty Streng­thening Act (NIS2UmsuCG for short) and simul­ta­neous­ly laun­ched the con­sul­ta­ti­on with asso­cia­ti­ons. Despi­te some impro­ve­ments, the legis­la­tor has missed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to crea­te legal cla­ri­ty for the eco­no­my. Com­pa­nies are still faced with almost impos­si­ble tasks.

State­ment on the draft bill

As our detail­ed state­ment shows, the new draft bill con­ta­ins some impro­ve­ments com­pared to the pre­vious ver­si­on, but does not sol­ve the fun­da­men­tal pro­blems of the NIS2 Direc­ti­ve. The Ger­man legis­la­tor has missed seve­ral oppor­tu­ni­ties to crea­te legal cla­ri­ty. Ins­tead of a poli­ti­cal tug-of-war bet­ween the minis­tries and an ent­an­gle­ment of the NIS2UmsuCG with other poli­ti­cal demands, prag­ma­tism and a cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on of the open legal issues at Euro­pean level are now requi­red in the fur­ther legis­la­ti­ve pro­cess. It remains to be seen whe­ther this will succeed.

What hap­pens next?

The offi­ci­al draft bill was published to mark the start of the con­sul­ta­ti­on pro­cess for asso­cia­ti­ons. Comm­ents can be sub­mit­ted until 28 May 2024. A hea­ring will take place on 3 June 2024. Howe­ver, the­re is only a short time left until 17 Octo­ber 2024. It is very unli­kely that the draft bill will pass the Bun­des­tag, be signed by the Fede­ral Pre­si­dent and published in the Fede­ral Law Gazet­te by then. As long as the NIS2 Direc­ti­ve has not been trans­po­sed into natio­nal law, it will not result in any obli­ga­ti­ons for companies.

First aid for companies

Affec­ted com­pa­nies do not have to ful­fil the requi­re­ments in Ger­ma­ny until the NIS2UmsuCG has been published in the Fede­ral Law Gazet­te. Howe­ver, as the ful­film­ent of the new requi­re­ments is asso­cia­ted with con­sidera­ble effort, com­pa­nies should start imple­men­ta­ti­on at an ear­ly stage. Com­pa­nies can only be recom­men­ded to ori­en­ta­te them­sel­ves on the wor­ding of the NIS2 Direc­ti­ve its­elf. If no chan­ges are made as part of the legis­la­ti­ve pro­cess, one or other of the pro­vi­si­ons of the NIS2UmsuCG will pro­ba­b­ly only have a short half-life. It is also alre­a­dy clear that the NIS2 Direc­ti­ve com­ple­te­ly fails to achie­ve the goal of har­mo­ni­s­ing cyber­se­cu­ri­ty law across Europe.

We will be hap­py to assist you with any ques­ti­ons you may have about how you are affec­ted by the NIS2 Direc­ti­ve and how you can imple­ment the requi­re­ments in your com­pa­ny. We will also sub­mit our cri­ti­cism of the draft bill for the NIS2UmsuCG to the legis­la­tor as part of the con­sul­ta­ti­on with the asso­cia­ti­ons and are con­fi­dent that the inte­rests of the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty will still be suf­fi­ci­ent­ly taken into account. Plea­se cont­act direct­ly if you have any points that you would like us to include in the con­sul­ta­ti­on with the associations.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on can be found here


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