Back­ups and dis­as­ter reco­very: when is the ser­vice pro­vi­der liable?

Back­ups and dis­as­ter reco­very are key aspects of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty. But sin­ce they are expen­si­ve and requi­re a gre­at deal of exper­ti­se, com­pa­nies are incre­asing­ly rely­ing on spe­cia­li­zed ser­vice pro­vi­ders, and ser­vices offe­ring backup-as-a-service (BaaS) or disaster-recovery-as-a-service (DRaaS) are very popu­lar at the moment. Howe­ver, what exact­ly would the legal situa­ti­on be in the event that the ser­vice pro­vi­der is unable to res­to­re the data and sys­tems? The Dis­trict Court of Heil­bronn had to ans­wer this very ques­ti­on in a Judgment of 28 Janu­ary 2021 (Case No. Es 2 O 238/17). Below, you will find our com­men­ta­ry on the ruling, as well as prac­ti­cal advice for controllers.

The facts of the case

The plain­ti­ff and the defen­dant had a data back­up agree­ment which was to include “proac­ti­ve 24/7 moni­to­ring of the sys­tem.” But after the plain­ti­ff expe­ri­en­ced a data loss, it beca­me evi­dent that, due to a tech­ni­cal error, no exter­nal back­ups had taken place for seve­ral months. The plain­ti­ff was able to reco­ver at least part of the data by means of an inter­nal back­up. Howe­ver, it took the plain­ti­ff more than 550 work hours to res­to­re all the data, and the plain­ti­ff sued the defen­dant for dama­ges in the amount of about 15,000 Euros.

The court’s ruling

The Dis­trict Court of Heil­bronn lowe­red the amount of the dama­ges slight­ly, but ulti­m­ate­ly award­ed the plain­ti­ff about 12,000 Euros in dama­ges. In the grounds to its ruling, the court began by sta­ting that the back­up agree­ment was not a con­tract for works and ser­vices, as the plain­ti­ff had argued, but rather an employ­ment con­tract. Howe­ver, even though the defen­dant was not requi­red to ensu­re a spe­ci­fic out­co­me, the court ruled that the defen­dant did vio­la­te an obli­ga­ti­on under the con­tract and was the­r­e­fo­re requi­red to pay dama­ges. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, the defen­dant was requi­red to pro­vi­de “proac­ti­ve 24/7 moni­to­ring of the sys­tem,” as sta­ted in the tech­ni­cal details of the agree­ment. The court found that the defen­dant was the­r­e­fo­re requi­red to moni­tor the back­up sys­tem exten­si­ve­ly and report any pro­blems to the plain­ti­ff, and that its fail­ure to do so con­sti­tu­ted a breach of duty. The plaintiff’s dama­ges con­sist not of the per­son­nel expen­ses it incur­red but in the value of the data its­elf, and the court found that the value of the data can be esti­ma­ted based on the work hours spent by the plain­ti­ff in order to reco­ver the data. Howe­ver, the court ruled that the plain­ti­ff could not seek dama­ges for data rela­ting to an employee’s trai­ning, sin­ce the­se dama­ges were to the employee hers­elf, and not to the company.

Assess­ment and prac­ti­cal advice

This ruling by the Dis­trict Court of Heil­bronn unders­cores how important it is for both data back­up ser­vice pro­vi­ders and their cus­to­mers, as well as for pro­vi­ders of other IT ser­vices, to spe­ci­fy the sub­ject of agree­ment in a clear and trans­pa­rent man­ner. Other­wi­se, the cus­to­mer can­not rely on the fact that it will actual­ly recei­ve the reques­ted ser­vice, and it may be unable to seek dama­ges in case of vio­la­ti­ons. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly in cases were a spe­ci­fic out­co­me is requi­red, com­pa­nies would be well-advised to include an express pro­vi­si­on to this effect in the agree­ment. But a clear and trans­pa­rent defi­ni­ti­on of the requi­red ser­vice is also important for the con­trac­tor. After all, a com­pa­ny which pro­mi­ses 24/7 moni­to­ring for data back­ups will be requi­red to deli­ver on this promise.


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