

From the development, industrialisation, production and marketing to the recycling of your products.

Dani­el Wuhrmann

Our focus: Pro­duct move­ments and interconnections

A pro­duct is always in moti­on. Com­plex glo­bal mar­kets, uncer­tain­ties in sup­p­ly and dis­tri­bu­ti­on chains, exten­si­ve safe­ty regu­la­ti­ons, con­tracts with manu­fac­tu­r­ers and sup­pli­ers, digi­tiza­ti­on, auto­ma­ti­on and net­wor­king of pro­ducts and pro­duc­tion, etc. – From manu­fac­tu­ring and pla­ce­ment on the mar­ket to recy­cling, we help our cli­ents iden­ti­fy chal­lenges, deve­lo­p­ments and impacts at an ear­ly stage, coun­ter them and mini­mi­ze risks.

Legal know-how at the hig­hest level and expe­ri­ence are a mat­ter of cour­se for us. Speed, solution-oriented prag­ma­tism, com­mit­ment and the abili­ty to media­te bet­ween law and tech­no­lo­gy are the cha­rac­te­ristics that make our work spe­cial. We want our cli­ents to con­ti­nue to focus on what mat­ters most while we do what we do best: pre­vent or sol­ve legal problems.


Thors­ten Deeg



Niklas Gatermann

Seni­or Associate


Sebas­ti­an Giera

Of Coun­sel


Jen­ni­fer Stauder

Seni­or Associate


Dani­el Wuhrmann

Head of Mobility

We are always plea­sed to ser­ve our cli­ents! Both in times of cri­sis and in day-to-day, tra­di­tio­nal tasks to deal with stake­hol­ders. The­se include, for example:

  • con­tract design,
  • the hand­ling of cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers, aut­ho­ri­ties and insu­rance companies,
  • lia­bi­li­ty issues rela­ting to mobi­li­ty tech­no­lo­gies of all kinds,
  • pro­duct and service-related lia­bi­li­ty cases,
  • pro­duct safe­ty and mar­ket access issues inclu­ding homo­lo­ga­ti­on topics,
  • all forms of mar­ket action such as recalls and warnings,
  • sus­taina­bi­li­ty issues such as sup­p­ly chain design, risk manage­ment and envi­ron­men­tal regulations,
  • legal issues rela­ting to sub­s­tances and chemicals.

Glo­bal mar­kets, sup­p­ly chains, inter­na­tio­nal con­tracts – No mat­ter whe­re the pro­duct moves and how it is inter­con­nec­ted: We stand by our cli­ents! Cont­act us!


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