Pri­va­cy policy

This is to inform you in accordance with the requi­re­ments of the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (GDPR) about how we hand­le data.

This is to inform you in accordance with the requi­re­ments of the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (GDPR) about how we hand­le the data that can be per­so­nal­ly rela­ted to you, e.g. name, address, email addres­ses, user beha­viour, and which you – kno­wing­ly or unkno­wing­ly – lea­ve behind when you visit our web­site; whe­re appli­ca­ble, we also inform you about how long the data are stored, as well as about the rights to which you are entit­led as a data sub­ject in the rela­ti­onship with us.

The con­trol­ler as defi­ned by Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR is Reusch Rechts­an­walts­ge­sell­schaft mbH (her­ein­af­ter “Reusch Rechts­an­wäl­te”, “reusch­law” or “we”), Joa­chims­tha­ler Str. 34, 10719 Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny, tele­pho­ne: + 49 30 2332 895 0, fax: + 49 30 2332 895 11, email:

You can reach our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer at or by post at Ker­tos GmbH, Nym­phen­bur­ger Str. 86, 80636 Munich.

1. Access to our website

When you access our web­site, data that your brow­ser trans­mits to the ser­ver on which the web­site con­tent is hos­ted are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly stored and pos­si­bly pro­ces­sed in log files.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

Howe­ver, only the last 90 acces­ses are recor­ded. The fol­lo­wing data are pro­ces­sed during access:

  • Date and time of access;
  • IP address of the acces­sing end device;
  • Web­site that is being accessed;
  • URL from which the file was requested/the desi­red func­tion was initiated;
  • Size of the trans­mit­ted data volu­me and
  • Trans­mit­ted brow­ser identifier.

The­se data are pro­ces­sed sole­ly for the pur­po­se of pro­vi­ding con­tent from our web­site and for the pur­po­se of iden­ti­fy­ing and tra­cing unaut­ho­ri­sed access to the web ser­ver and other cri­mi­nal offen­ces. The legal basis for the data pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests are to ensu­re IT secu­ri­ty and to gua­ran­tee the ope­ra­ti­on of our inter­net presentation.

Cate­go­ries of data recipients

The reci­pi­ent of the data is a pro­ces­sor from the IT sector.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

The data are dele­ted no later than seven days after recording.

Right to object to data processing

The data pro­ces­sing is abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for secu­ring and ope­ra­ting the web­site. You can the­r­e­fo­re only imple­ment your right to object if you do not visit our website.

Basis of data provision

You are not obli­ged – neither by law nor by con­tract – to pro­vi­de us with the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data. Howe­ver, wit­hout the IP address and the coo­kie iden­ti­fier, the ser­vice and func­tion­a­li­ty of our web­site can­not be gua­ran­teed. In addi­ti­on, indi­vi­du­al ser­vices and fea­tures may not be available or may be restricted.

2. Cont­act

You can cont­act us via the cont­act data on our website.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

If you cont­act us by email, tele­pho­ne or via our cont­act form, your request inclu­ding all per­so­nal data resul­ting from it (name, request) will be stored and pro­ces­sed by us for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing your enquiry.

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing of the­se data is Art. 6 (1) 1 (b) GDPR if your request is rela­ted to the per­for­mance of a con­tract or is neces­sa­ry in order to take steps pri­or to ente­ring into a con­tract. In all other cases, the legal basis is Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR. Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest lies in the effec­ti­ve pro­ces­sing of the requests addres­sed to us.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

We will retain the data you have pro­vi­ded until the pur­po­se of data sto­rage cea­ses to exist (e.g. after the pro­ces­sing of your request has been completed).

Right to object

You have the right to object to the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data based on Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR at any time. If you wish to exer­cise your right to object, plea­se cont­act us eit­her at or at the abo­ve address by adding “For the atten­ti­on of the data pro­tec­tion offi­cer”. We will then pro­cess your request immediately.

3. News­let­ter

a) News­let­ter dis­tri­bu­ti­on in general

You can sub­scri­be to our newsletter.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

Our news­let­ter is to inform you about us and our offers and services.

We use the so-called dou­ble opt-in pro­ce­du­re to regis­ter for our news­let­ter. This means that after your regis­tra­ti­on, we will send you an email to the email address you have pro­vi­ded, in which we ask you to con­firm that you wish to recei­ve the news­let­ter. If you do not con­firm your regis­tra­ti­on within one week, your infor­ma­ti­on will be blo­cked and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly dele­ted after one month. In addi­ti­on, we store your IP addres­ses and the times of regis­tra­ti­on and con­fir­ma­ti­on. The pur­po­se of this pro­ce­du­re is to be able to pro­ve your regis­tra­ti­on and, if neces­sa­ry, to cla­ri­fy a pos­si­ble misu­se of your per­so­nal data.

The legal basis for this data pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 (1) 1 (a) GDPR.

Cate­go­ries of data recipients

The reci­pi­ent of the data is a pro­ces­sor from the email mar­ke­ting sector.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

The data you pro­vi­de will be stored until you unsub­scri­be from our newsletter.

With­dra­wal of consent

You can with­draw your con­sent to recei­ving the news­let­ter at any time with effect for the future. You can decla­re the with­dra­wal by cli­cking the link pro­vi­ded in every news­let­ter email or by sen­ding an email to or by sen­ding a pos­tal mes­sa­ge to the address set out above.

Basis of data provision

Pro­vi­ding your per­so­nal data is vol­un­t­a­ry, based sole­ly on your con­sent. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, we can­not send you our news­let­ter wit­hout your consent.

b) News­let­ter dis­tri­bu­ti­on in the attorney-client relationship

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

If an attorney-client rela­ti­onship alre­a­dy exists bet­ween you and us, we will also send you a news­let­ter at regu­lar inter­vals to the email address we have on file, pro­vi­ded you have not objec­ted to the use of this infor­ma­ti­on. You can object to the use of the infor­ma­ti­on wit­hout incur­ring any cos­ts other than the trans­mis­si­on cos­ts accor­ding to the basic rates.

In this case, the legal basis for the data pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest is that we would like to address you for the pur­po­se of direct mar­ke­ting. Based on the con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship bet­ween you and us and the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded by us in this pri­va­cy poli­cy, we sup­po­se that you agree to recei­ving the mar­ke­ting mails we send you, in par­ti­cu­lar also becau­se you can unsub­scri­be from the news­let­ter at any time by sim­ply cli­cking the link at the end of our news­let­ter if you are not inte­res­ted in recei­ving it.

Cate­go­ries of data recipients

The reci­pi­ent of the data is a pro­ces­sor from the email mar­ke­ting sector.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

The data you pro­vi­de will be stored until the end of the attorney-client rela­ti­onship bet­ween you and us.

Right to object to data processing

You can object to recei­ving the news­let­ter at any time by cli­cking “Unsub­scri­be from news­let­ter” in the news­let­ter sent to you.

Basis of data provision

The pro­vi­si­on of your per­so­nal data is based on the attorney-client rela­ti­onship bet­ween you and us. Wit­hout the pro­vi­si­on of the­se data, a con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship or com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is not possible.

4. Mato­mo

On this web­site, we use the web ana­ly­sis ser­vice Mato­mo to ana­ly­se how our web­site is used. The sta­tis­tics obtai­ned help us to impro­ve our offer and make it more inte­res­t­ing for you as a user. The infor­ma­ti­on coll­ec­ted by Mato­mo about the use of this web­site is stored on our ser­ver. The IP address is anony­mi­sed befo­re storage.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

By using Mato­mo, we are able to coll­ect and ana­ly­se data about how our web­site is used by web­site visi­tors (e.g. how often cer­tain pages or posts were acces­sed). In addi­ti­on, we coll­ect various log files, such as refer­rers, brow­sers and ope­ra­ting sys­tems used and we can mea­su­re whe­ther our web­site visi­tors per­form cer­tain actions (e.g. clicks).

The legal basis for the use of Mato­mo is Art. 6 (1) 1 (a) GDPR.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

We can view the data pro­ces­sed by Mato­mo for 14 months.

With­dra­wal of consent

You can with­draw the con­sent you have given at any time with effect for the future in our Coo­kie Con­sent Tool by cli­cking the fin­ger­print but­ton, which you will find at the bot­tom right of every reusch­law web­site page, thus cal­ling up our Coo­kie Con­sent Tool. You can then desel­ect the check­box for the data pro­ces­sing for which you wish to with­draw your consent.

5. Map­ti­ler

We use the Map­Ti­ler ser­vice on our web­site. The pro­vi­der of this ser­vice is Map­Ti­ler AG, Höf­ner­stras­se 98, Unterä­ge­ri, Zug 6314, Switzerland.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

The Map­Ti­ler ser­vice enables the dis­play of map mate­ri­al on our web­site. The inte­gra­ti­on of the map mate­ri­al helps to impro­ve the geo­gra­phi­cal dis­play and makes it easier to find our law firm loca­ti­ons. The IP addres­ses of Map­Ti­ler cloud visi­tors are only stored for a limi­t­ed time, a maxi­mum of 20 minu­tes, and are then des­troy­ed auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. The coll­ec­tion and short-term sto­rage are neces­sa­ry for log­ging security-related acti­vi­ties on the Map­Ti­ler infra­struc­tu­re. Map­Ti­ler does not record how you use the map its­elf. Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on data pro­tec­tion by Map­Ti­ler is available at:

The legal basis for this data pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR. Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest lies in the gra­phi­cal dis­play and the sim­pli­fied loca­ti­on of our law firm offices.

Trans­fer to a third country

In case per­so­nal data are trans­fer­red to Map­Ti­ler ser­vers in Switz­er­land and stored and fur­ther pro­ces­sed the­re, the basis for the trans­fer to a third coun­try is the EU Com­mis­si­on’s ade­quacy decis­i­on for Switz­er­land, which con­firms that data pro­tec­tion in Switz­er­land is equi­va­lent to the EEA standard.

6. Social media sites

a) Lin­ke­dIn

reusch­law uses the tech­ni­cal plat­form and ser­vices of Lin­ke­dIn Ire­land Unli­mi­t­ed Com­pa­ny, Wil­ton Place, Dub­lin 2, Ire­land (her­ein­af­ter “Lin­ke­dIn”) for the infor­ma­ti­on ser­vice offe­red here. Plea­se be awa­re that you use the Lin­ke­dIn page of reusch­law and its func­tions and fea­tures on your own respon­si­bi­li­ty. This includes in par­ti­cu­lar the use of the inter­ac­ti­ve func­tions (e.g. com­men­ting, sha­ring, rating).

aa) Joint con­trol­ler­ship with LinkedIn

reusch­law and Lin­ke­dIn only have joint con­trol­ler­ship for the pro­ces­sing of so-called “insights data” inso­far as the­se data are used for the crea­ti­on of so-called “page insights”.

reusch­law and Lin­ke­dIn have con­cluded an agree­ment as part of their joint con­trol­ler­ship, which you can access here (so-called “Page Insights Joint Con­trol­ler Adden­dum”). The agree­ment per­ta­ins to the pro­ces­sing of data that are coll­ec­ted in con­nec­tion with a visit to or inter­ac­tion with our Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le, but only to the ext­ent that the­se data are also pro­ces­sed for “page insights” (the­re­af­ter). “Page insights” include ana­ly­tics ser­vices that help the ope­ra­tor of a Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le to bet­ter under­stand inter­ac­tions with its pages. The pur­po­se of the data pro­ces­sing is to crea­te aggre­ga­ted sta­tis­tics for Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le operators.

The issue here is the pro­ces­sing of data in the con­text of a visit to, or inter­ac­tion of indi­vi­du­als with, a Lin­ke­dIn pro­fi­le, but only to the ext­ent that the pur­po­se is to use the data for “page insights”. Lin­ke­dIn pro­vi­des more detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on this at this link. The infor­ma­ti­on available to data sub­jects on data for “page insights” explains how and when “insights data” are coll­ec­ted and used to crea­te “page insights”:

  • When a Lin­ke­dIn mem­ber visits, fol­lows or enga­ges with the page, Lin­ke­dIn pro­ces­ses per­so­nal data to pro­vi­de the page ope­ra­tor with insights into the use.
  • In par­ti­cu­lar, Lin­ke­dIn pro­ces­ses data which the mem­ber has pro­vi­ded to Lin­ke­dIn, such as data on func­tion, coun­try, indus­try, senio­ri­ty, com­pa­ny size and employ­ment sta­tus from a mem­ber’s profile.
  • In addi­ti­on, Lin­ke­dIn pro­ces­ses infor­ma­ti­on about how a mem­ber has inter­ac­ted with your com­pa­ny page, e.g. whe­ther a mem­ber is a follower.

When you visit our Lin­ke­dIn page, Lin­ke­dIn coll­ects, among other things, your IP address and other infor­ma­ti­on that is pre­sent on your PC in the form of coo­kies. This infor­ma­ti­on is used to pro­vi­de us, as the ope­ra­tor of the Lin­ke­dIn page, with sta­tis­ti­cal infor­ma­ti­on about the use of the Lin­ke­dIn page. We do not recei­ve any per­so­nal data from Lin­ke­dIn in this context.

The data coll­ec­ted about you in this con­text are pro­ces­sed by Lin­ke­dIn and may be trans­fer­red to count­ries out­side the Euro­pean Uni­on. Lin­ke­dIn descri­bes in gene­ral terms what infor­ma­ti­on Lin­ke­dIn obta­ins and how it is used in its user agree­ment and pri­va­cy poli­cy. The­re you will also find infor­ma­ti­on on how to cont­act Lin­ke­dIn and on the set­tings opti­ons for adver­ti­se­ments. The Lin­ke­dIn data poli­cy is available at this link.

Should you wish to exer­cise a data sub­ject right to which you are entit­led under the GDPR, plea­se note that we can­not ful­ly com­ply with all of the­se rights wit­hout the coope­ra­ti­on and assis­tance of Lin­ke­dIn. It will the­r­e­fo­re cer­tain­ly be more effec­ti­ve for you to cont­act Lin­ke­dIn direct­ly. Howe­ver, if you still need help, plea­se feel free to cont­act us.

The rele­vant respon­si­bi­li­ties, in par­ti­cu­lar with regard to the pro­tec­tion of data sub­ject rights, bet­ween reusch­law and Lin­ke­dIn can be found in the Page Insights Addendum.

Lin­ke­dIn assu­mes pri­ma­ry respon­si­bi­li­ty for com­pli­ance with the GDPR obli­ga­ti­ons for the joint pro­ces­sing of “insights data”. This includes com­pli­ance with the fol­lo­wing data sub­ject rights:

  • Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR),
  • Right to era­su­re (Art. 17 GDPR),
  • Right to rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing (Art. 18 GDPR),
  • Right to data por­ta­bi­li­ty (Art. 20 GDPR) and
  • Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR).

Fur­ther details on how to exer­cise the­se rights are pro­vi­ded by Lin­ke­dIn in its pri­va­cy poli­cy under num­ber 4.

bb) Con­trol­ler­ship of reuschlaw

In addi­ti­on, reusch­law has sole con­trol­ler­ship for cer­tain data pro­ces­sing. We pro­cess the fol­lo­wing data on com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with Lin­ke­dIn users in order to offer our infor­ma­ti­on service:

  • User inter­ac­tions (pos­tings, likes, etc.);
  • Pro­fi­le name and data pro­vi­ded by the user in the cour­se of con­ver­sa­ti­on, e.g. for pro­ces­sing ser­vice requests;
  • Sta­tis­ti­cal sur­veys on tar­get group advertising;
  • Sta­tis­ti­cal data on user inter­ac­tions in aggre­ga­ted form, i.e. wit­hout per­so­nal refe­rence so that reusch­law can­not iden­ti­fy the user (e.g. page acti­vi­ties, page views, page pre­views, likes, recom­men­da­ti­ons, posts, vide­os, page sub­scrip­ti­ons incl. ori­gin, times of day) and
  • Tar­ge­ted adver­ti­se­ments based on aggre­ga­ted demo­gra­phic data wit­hout per­so­nal refe­rence (e.g. infor­ma­ti­on on age, place of resi­dence, lan­guage or gender).

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

The pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out for the pur­po­se of ans­we­ring your requests (if you have sent us a request) or com­mu­ni­ca­ting with you and for publi­shing infor­ma­ti­on on events and ser­vices of reuschlaw.

The legal basis for pro­ces­sing for the pur­po­se of ans­we­ring requests that aim at the future con­clu­si­on of a con­tract and are initia­ted by you is Art. 6 (1) 1 (b) GDPR and in all other cases Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest is to pro­vi­de effec­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on to users, cus­to­mers and inte­res­ted par­ties and com­mu­ni­ca­te with the­se per­sons as well as to publicly pre­sent reuschlaw.

Trans­fer to a third country

In case per­so­nal data are trans­fer­red to Lin­ke­dIn ser­vers in the USA and stored and fur­ther pro­ces­sed the­re, Lin­ke­dIn Ire­land Unli­mi­t­ed Com­pa­ny, Wil­ton Place, Dub­lin 2, Ire­land has agreed on the stan­dard data pro­tec­tion clau­ses adopted by the EU Com­mis­si­on with the Lin­ke­dIn com­pa­nies based in the USA, which per­mit the trans­fer of per­so­nal data to the USA in indi­vi­du­al cases.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

After your request has been dealt with, the per­so­nal data you have pro­vi­ded will be dele­ted from our sys­tems. If you inter­act with us publicly, for exam­p­le by lea­ving a com­ment or “liking” a post, the­se data will remain publicly acces­si­ble on the site until they are dele­ted by us or you. If sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons requi­re lon­ger sto­rage, your data will only be stored for this pur­po­se and blo­cked for other purposes.

Right to object to data processing

If you wish to exer­cise your right to object, plea­se cont­act us eit­her at or at the abo­ve address by post or tele­pho­ne. We will then pro­cess your request immediately.

Basis of data provision

Pro­vi­ding your data is vol­un­t­a­ry. Howe­ver, you can­not visit our pro­fi­le wit­hout us pro­ces­sing per­so­nal data joint­ly with Lin­ke­dIn, or reusch­law and Lin­ke­dIn respec­tively pro­ces­sing them on their own, sepa­ra­te responsibility.

b) X (form­er­ly Twitter)

reusch­law uses the tech­ni­cal plat­form and ser­vices of the plat­form X Corp, One Cum­ber­land Place, Feni­an Street, Dub­lin 2 D02 AX07, Ire­land (her­ein­af­ter “X”) for the infor­ma­ti­on ser­vice offe­red here.

aa) Con­trol­ler­ship of X

Plea­se be awa­re that you use the X short mes­sa­ge ser­vice offe­red here and its func­tions and fea­tures on your own respon­si­bi­li­ty. This includes in par­ti­cu­lar the use of the inter­ac­ti­ve func­tions (e.g. sha­ring, rating).

Details of what data are pro­ces­sed by X and for what pur­po­ses can be found in X’s pri­va­cy poli­cy.

reusch­law has no influence on the type and scope of the data pro­ces­sed by X, the natu­re of pro­ces­sing and use or the trans­fer of the­se data to third par­ties. reusch­law also has no effec­ti­ve means of con­trol in this respect.

When using X, your per­so­nal data will be coll­ec­ted, trans­fer­red, stored, dis­c­lo­sed and used by X Corp. and, in this con­text, will be trans­fer­red to and stored and used in the United Sta­tes, Ire­land and any other coun­try in which X Corp. does busi­ness, regard­less of your coun­try of residence.

First, X pro­ces­ses the data you have ente­red vol­un­t­a­ri­ly, such as name and user name, email address, tele­pho­ne num­ber or the cont­acts in your address book when you upload or syn­chro­ni­se it.

Second­ly, X also ana­ly­ses the con­tent you share to deter­mi­ne what topics you are inte­res­ted in, stores and pro­ces­ses con­fi­den­ti­al mes­sa­ges you send direct­ly to other users, and X can deter­mi­ne your loca­ti­on using GPS data, wire­less net­work infor­ma­ti­on or your IP address in order to send you adver­ti­sing or other content.

For such ana­ly­sing pur­po­ses, X Corp. may use ana­ly­sis tools such as X or Goog­le Ana­ly­tics. reusch­law has no influence on the use of such tools by X Corp. and was not infor­med about such a poten­ti­al use. Should tools of this kind be used by X Corp. for the reusch­law account, reusch­law has neither com­mis­sio­ned nor appro­ved this or other­wi­se sup­port­ed this in any way. Nor will reusch­law be pro­vi­ded with the data obtai­ned during the ana­ly­sis. Only cer­tain non-personal infor­ma­ti­on about the post acti­vi­ty, such as the num­ber of pro­fi­le or link clicks by a par­ti­cu­lar post, can be view­ed by reusch­law via its account. Moreo­ver, reusch­law can­not pre­vent or disable the use of such tools on its X account.

Final­ly, X also recei­ves infor­ma­ti­on when you view con­tent, for exam­p­le, even if you have not crea­ted an account. The­se so-called “log data” may be the IP address, brow­ser type, ope­ra­ting sys­tem, infor­ma­ti­on about the web­site you have visi­ted befo­re and the pages you have view­ed, your loca­ti­on, your mobi­le pro­vi­der, the end device you use (inclu­ding device ID and appli­ca­ti­on ID), the search terms you have used and coo­kie information.

It is pos­si­ble for X to record your visits to web­sites via X but­tons or wid­gets embedded in the­se web­sites and through the use of coo­kies, and assign them to your X pro­fi­le. The­se data can be used to offer con­tent or adver­ti­sing tail­o­red to you.

You can rest­rict the pro­ces­sing of your data in the gene­ral set­tings of your X account and under the item “Data pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty”. In addi­ti­on, you can rest­rict X’s access to cont­act and calen­dar data, pho­tos, loca­ti­on data, etc. on mobi­le devices (smart­phones, tablet com­pu­ters) in the set­tings opti­ons the­re. This, howe­ver, depends on the ope­ra­ting sys­tem used.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the­se issues is available on the fol­lo­wing X sup­port pages:

You can find out about how to access and view your own data at X here:

Infor­ma­ti­on about the infe­ren­ces X has drawn about you can be found here:

Infor­ma­ti­on on the available per­so­na­li­sa­ti­on and data pro­tec­tion set­tings opti­ons can be found here (with fur­ther refe­ren­ces):

Fur­ther­mo­re, you may request infor­ma­ti­on via the X data pro­tec­tion form or the archi­ve requests:

bb) Con­trol­ler­ship of reuschlaw

In addi­ti­on, reusch­law has sole con­trol­ler­ship for cer­tain data pro­ces­sing. We pro­cess the fol­lo­wing data on com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with X users in order to offer our infor­ma­ti­on service:

  • User inter­ac­tions (pos­tings, likes, etc.);
  • Pro­fi­le name and data pro­vi­ded by the user in the cour­se of con­ver­sa­ti­on, e.g. for pro­ces­sing ser­vice requests; and
  • Sta­tis­ti­cal data on user inter­ac­tions in aggre­ga­ted form, i.e. wit­hout per­so­nal refe­rence so that reusch­law can­not iden­ti­fy the user (e.g. num­ber of impres­si­ons of a post, num­ber of inter­ac­tions, num­ber of detail­ed expan­si­ons, num­ber of pro­fi­le clicks, num­ber of media inter­ac­tions, num­ber of likes and reposts).

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

The pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out for the pur­po­se of ans­we­ring your requests (if you have sent us a request) or com­mu­ni­ca­ting with you and for publi­shing infor­ma­ti­on on events, pro­ducts and ser­vices of reuschlaw.

The legal basis for pro­ces­sing for the pur­po­se of ans­we­ring requests that aim at the future con­clu­si­on of a con­tract and are initia­ted by you is Art. 6 (1) 1 (b) GDPR and in all other cases, i.e. for gene­ral requests, Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest is to pro­vi­de effec­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on to users, cus­to­mers and inte­res­ted par­ties and com­mu­ni­ca­te with the­se per­sons as well as to publicly pre­sent reuschlaw.

Trans­fer to a third country

In case per­so­nal data are trans­fer­red to X ser­vers in the USA and stored and fur­ther pro­ces­sed the­re, X Corp., One Cum­ber­land Place, Feni­an Street, Dub­lin 2, D02 AX07, Ire­land, has agreed on the stan­dard data pro­tec­tion clau­ses adopted by the EU Com­mis­si­on with the X com­pa­nies based in the USA, which per­mit the trans­fer of per­so­nal data to the USA in indi­vi­du­al cases.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

After your request has been dealt with, your data will be dele­ted from our sys­tems. If you inter­act with us publicly, for exam­p­le by lea­ving a com­ment or “liking” a post, the­se data will remain publicly acces­si­ble on the site until they are dele­ted by us or you. If sta­tu­to­ry reten­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons requi­re lon­ger sto­rage, your data will only be stored for this pur­po­se and blo­cked for other purposes.

Right to object to data processing

If you wish to exer­cise your right to object, plea­se cont­act us eit­her at or at the abo­ve address by post or tele­pho­ne. We will then pro­cess your request immediately.

Basis of data provision

Pro­vi­ding your data is vol­un­t­a­ry. Howe­ver, you can­not visit our pro­fi­le wit­hout reusch­law and X respec­tively pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal data on their own, sepa­ra­te responsibility.


Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

We also ope­ra­te and main­tain online pre­sen­ces on other social net­works and plat­forms in order to com­mu­ni­ca­te with the cli­ents and inte­res­ted par­ties that are acti­ve the­re and to be able to inform them about our ser­vices the­re. Plea­se be awa­re that when you visit our sites the­re, per­so­nal data of the users will be pro­ces­sed by the respec­ti­ve social media plat­form for mar­ket rese­arch and adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses. For the­se pur­po­ses, coo­kies are usual­ly stored on the users’ com­pu­ters, in which the usa­ge beha­viour and the inte­rests of the users are stored. Fur­ther­mo­re, data may also be stored in the usa­ge pro­files inde­pen­dent of the devices used by the users (espe­ci­al­ly if the users are mem­bers of the respec­ti­ve plat­forms and are log­ged in to them). The­se user data are made available to us by the respec­ti­ve plat­form in an anony­mi­sed and aggre­ga­ted form for analysis.

For a detail­ed descrip­ti­on of the respec­ti­ve pro­ces­sing acti­vi­ties and the opt-out opti­ons, plea­se go to the infor­ma­ti­on of the pro­vi­ders at the links set out below.

Plea­se be awa­re that if you want to request infor­ma­ti­on or exer­cise your user rights, the­se rights can be asser­ted most effec­tively with the respec­ti­ve pro­vi­ders. Only the pro­vi­ders have access to the users’ data and can take appro­pria­te mea­su­res and pro­vi­de infor­ma­ti­on direct­ly. Howe­ver, if you still need help, plea­se feel free to cont­act us.

The legal basis for the data pro­ces­sing that takes place on the­se social media sites (comm­ents, direct mes­sa­ges and, whe­re appli­ca­ble, ana­ly­sis of so-called insights data) is Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest is to pro­vi­de effec­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on to users and/or cli­ents and to com­mu­ni­ca­te with users and/or clients.

Right to object to data processing

If you do not want the above-mentioned com­pa­nies to be loa­ded when you visit our social media site, you can com­ple­te­ly pre­vent their exe­cu­ti­on by means of add-ons for your brow­ser, e.g. with the script blo­cker “NoScript”.

If you wish to exer­cise your right to object, plea­se cont­act us eit­her at or at the abo­ve address by post or tele­pho­ne. We will then pro­cess your request immediately.

Basis of data provision

You can­not visit our pro­fi­le on Xing wit­hout reusch­law and XING respec­tively pro­ces­sing your per­so­nal data on their own, sepa­ra­te responsibility.

7. Fri­end­ly Captcha

On our web­site, we use the Fri­end­ly Captcha ser­vice of the pro­vi­der Fri­end­ly Captcha GmbH, Am Anger 3–5, 82237 Woerth­see, Germany.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

Fri­end­ly Captcha can be used to check whe­ther data ent­ries on this web­site, for exam­p­le in the cont­act form, are made by a human or by an auto­ma­ted pro­gram­me. For this pur­po­se, the beha­viour of the web­site users is ana­ly­sed by Fri­end­ly Captcha on the basis of various fea­tures, such as the anony­mi­sed IP address, the refer­rer or the time spent on the web­site. More detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on this is available here.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests are to pro­tect our web­site from misu­se, auto­ma­ted use and in par­ti­cu­lar from spam messages.

Right to object to data processing

The data pro­ces­sing is abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for secu­ring and ope­ra­ting the web­site. You can the­r­e­fo­re only imple­ment your right to object if you do not visit our website.

8. Con­sent­Ma­na­ger

On our web­site, we use the Con­sent­Ma­na­ger appli­ca­ti­on to obtain your con­sent to the sto­rage of cer­tain coo­kies on your end device or to the use of cer­tain tech­no­lo­gies and to docu­ment this pro­cess in a data pro­tec­tion com­pli­ant man­ner. The pro­vi­der of this ser­vice is Jao­ha­wi AB, Hal­te­gel­vä­gen 1b, 72348 Väs­te­r­as, Sweden.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

When you access our web­site, a con­nec­tion is estab­lished to the ser­vers of Con­sent­Ma­na­ger in order to obtain your con­sent and other decla­ra­ti­ons regar­ding the use of coo­kies. Con­sent­Ma­na­ger then stores a coo­kie in your brow­ser in order to be able to allo­ca­te the cons­ents given or their with­dra­wal to you.

The legal basis for the pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 (1) 1 © GDPR. The pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out for com­pli­ance with the legal obli­ga­ti­ons to fur­nish pro­of of the cons­ents given.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in the pro­ces­sing lie in the sto­rage of user set­tings and pre­fe­ren­ces with respect to the use of coo­kies and other functionalities.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

The data coll­ec­ted will be stored until the pur­po­se of data sto­rage cea­ses to exist.

9. Plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on of events

On our web­site, we also offer the oppor­tu­ni­ty to regis­ter for events orga­nis­ed by us. In order for us to enable regis­tra­ti­on for the­se events and their imple­men­ta­ti­on, it is neces­sa­ry for us to pro­cess your per­so­nal data.

In par­ti­cu­lar, we process

  • First name and last name,
  • Com­pa­ny name,
  • Address and
  • Email address.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

The data pro­ces­sing is neces­sa­ry in order for us to offer you par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in our events and to plan and imple­ment the event.

The data pro­ces­sing is based on Art. 6 (1) 1 (b) GDPR and other­wi­se on Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Inso­far as the data pro­ces­sing is based on Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR, our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest is to plan and imple­ment the events.

Cate­go­ries of data recipients

Reci­pi­ents of the data are our spea­k­ers and co-organisers for the rele­vant event.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

We gene­ral­ly store the data until the event has been com­ple­ted. After the event has taken place, we will trans­fer your data to our data­ba­se of exis­ting cus­to­mers. You will recei­ve sepa­ra­te infor­ma­ti­on on this, which we will send to the email address you provided.

Right to object to data processing

If you do not wish to be included in our data­ba­se of exis­ting cus­to­mers, you can alre­a­dy now inform us of this by sen­ding an email to We will then not include your data in our database.

Basis of data provision

Pro­vi­ding your data and regis­tering for an event are vol­un­t­a­ry. Howe­ver, if you wish to regis­ter for an event, we need the data in order to be able to ful­fil our obligations.

10. Zoom

In order to con­duct web­i­nars as well as tele­pho­ne and video con­fe­ren­ces, we use the video con­fe­ren­cing ser­vice of our pro­ces­sor “Zoom”, pro­vi­ded by Zoom Video Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Inc., San Jose Office, 55 Alma­den Bou­le­vard, 6th flo­or, San Jose, CA 95113, USA. If you want to use Zoom, you must first down­load and install a web appli­ca­ti­on. When log­ging in, you will be asked for your name and can choo­se whe­ther this should be saved for future log­ins. In addi­ti­on, your IP address is pro­ces­sed for the pro­vi­si­on of the Zoom services.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, such as Zoom’s pri­va­cy poli­cy and terms of use, are available here.

Pur­po­ses and legal basis of data processing

The pro­ces­sing of your name and IP address is neces­sa­ry to enable you to par­ti­ci­pa­te in web­i­nars and video con­fe­ren­ces offe­red by us.

The data pro­ces­sing is based on Art. 6 (1) 1 (b) GDPR and Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR.

Legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in data processing

Our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest is to con­duct video con­fe­ren­ces and web­i­nars using Zoom. You are per­fect­ly free to par­ti­ci­pa­te in these.

Trans­fer to a third country

In case per­so­nal data are trans­fer­red to Zoom ser­vers in the USA and stored and fur­ther pro­ces­sed the­re, we have agreed on the stan­dard data pro­tec­tion clau­ses adopted by the EU Com­mis­si­on with Zoom, which per­mit the trans­fer of per­so­nal data to the USA in indi­vi­du­al cases.

Dura­ti­on of data storage

We store the data until the web­i­nar or video con­fe­rence has been completed.

Basis of data provision

Pro­vi­ding your data and regis­tering for an event are vol­un­t­a­ry. Howe­ver, if you wish to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a web­i­nar or video con­fe­rence, the pro­ces­sing of your data may be neces­sa­ry in order to ful­fil our obligations.

1. Right of access

You have the right under Art. 15 GDPR to request access to and infor­ma­ti­on about your per­so­nal data that we process.

2. Right to rectification

You have the right under Art. 16 GDPR to request rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on if the infor­ma­ti­on con­cer­ning you is not (or no lon­ger) cor­rect. If your data are incom­ple­te, you have the right to request completion.

3. Right to erasure

You have the right under Art. 17 GDPR to request the era­su­re of your per­so­nal data.

4. Right to rest­ric­tion of processing

You have the right under Art. 18 GDPR to request rest­ric­tion of pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data.

5. Right to data portability

If the requi­re­ments of Art. 20 (1) GDPR are met, you have the right to recei­ve data that we pro­cess by auto­ma­ted means on the basis of your con­sent or in per­for­mance of a con­tract or to have such data direct­ly trans­mit­ted to third par­ties. The coll­ec­tion of the data for the pro­vi­si­on of the web­site and the sto­rage of log files are abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for us to ope­ra­te the web­site. This pro­ces­sing is the­r­e­fo­re not based on con­sent accor­ding to Art. 6 (1) 1 (a) GDPR or on a con­tract accor­ding to Art. 6 (1) 1 (b) GDPR, but is jus­ti­fied under Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR. The requi­re­ments of Art. 20 (1) GDPR are the­r­e­fo­re not fulfilled.

6. Right to lodge a complaint

If you con­sider that the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data inf­rin­ges data pro­tec­tion law, you have the right to lodge a com­plaint with a data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty of your own choice as pro­vi­ded for by Art. 77 (1) GDPR. This also includes the data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ties respon­si­ble for the controller:

  • Ber­li­ner Beauf­trag­te für Daten­schutz und Infor­ma­ti­ons­frei­heit (Ber­lin Offi­cer for Data Pro­tec­tion and Free­dom of Infor­ma­ti­on), tele­pho­ne: +49 (0)30 13889–0, fax: +49 (0)30 2155050, email: and
  • Unab­hän­gi­ges Daten­schutz­zen­trum Saar­land (Inde­pen­dent Data Pro­tec­tion Cent­re Saar­land), tele­pho­ne: +49 (0)681 94781 0, fax: +49 (0)681 94781 29, email:

You have the right to object, on grounds rela­ting to your par­ti­cu­lar situa­ti­on, at any time to pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data which is based on Art. 6 (1) 1 (f) GDPR. The con­trol­ler will then no lon­ger pro­cess the per­so­nal data unless the con­trol­ler demons­tra­tes com­pel­ling legi­ti­ma­te grounds for the pro­ces­sing which over­ri­de the inte­rests, rights and free­doms of the data sub­ject or for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise or defence of legal claims. The coll­ec­tion of the data for the pro­vi­si­on of the web­site and the sto­rage of log files are abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for us to ope­ra­te the website.

As amen­ded in Octo­ber 2023

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