On the coat­tails of COVID-19: cyber­crime as a chall­enge for com­pa­nies in the coro­na­vi­rus crisis

While busi­nesses are still con­ten­ding with the impact of recent mea­su­res to com­bat COVID-19, a recent press release from the Euro­pean law enforce­ment agen­cy Euro­pol demons­tra­tes once again how quick­ly and dra­sti­cal­ly cri­mi­nals can adapt. The cur­rent uncer­tain­ty among many citi­zens, and com­pa­nies as well, is acting as a cata­lyst, allo­wing per­pe­tra­tors to pro­fit big.

The­re has been a flood of cyber­at­tacks in recent weeks invol­ving COVID-19. The sca­le of the­se attacks is demons­tra­ted by a recent stu­dy from Check Point. Accor­ding to this stu­dy, web­sites with coronavirus-related domain names are about 50% more likely to have mali­cious con­tent than other domain names. Also wide­spread are phis­hing e‑mails, which pur­port to be from e.g. banks or health orga­niza­ti­ons and ask the reci­pi­ent to reve­al sen­si­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on or install mal­wa­re. But per­pe­tra­tors are not con­tenting them­sel­ves with attacks which aim to defraud users. An exam­p­le of this approach is the pos­ting of a mani­pu­la­ted ver­si­on of Johns Hop­kins University’s well-known COVID-19 inter­ac­ti­ve map in a Rus­si­an cyber­crime forum. This “coro­na­vi­rus infec­tion kit” fol­lows the crime-as-a-service model, and is desi­gned to fool users into instal­ling mal­wa­re which can ste­al their pass­words. Roun­ding out cyber­cri­mi­nals’ tool­box are mobi­le apps which cla­im to dis­play coro­na­vi­rus infec­tions in the user’s vici­ni­ty, but which real­ly con­tain mal­wa­re which encrypts the user’s cell pho­neDenial-of-service attacks, which tar­get com­pa­nies’ alre­a­dy over­loa­ded IT infra­struc­tu­re by bom­bar­ding their sys­tems with addi­tio­nal requests, gar­nis­hed with extor­ti­on demands, are also popu­lar among criminals.

But cyber­at­tacks are not the only thre­at which com­pa­nies need to guard against accor­ding to Euro­pol: cases of con­ven­tio­nal fraud are also rising. As an exam­p­le, Euro­pol cites a pay­ment of EUR 6.6 mil­li­on to a com­pa­ny in Sin­ga­po­re which was sup­po­sed to sup­p­ly dis­in­fec­tants and sur­gi­cal masks, but evi­dent­ly the goods were never ship­ped. This is a thre­at which should not be unde­re­sti­ma­ted, espe­ci­al­ly for com­pa­nies in the health care sec­tor, but also for tho­se which can’t sim­ply send their employees to work from home, and which the­r­e­fo­re requi­re pro­tec­ti­ve clot­hing. The same is true for cases of coun­ter­feit­ing, which are piling up right now, par­ti­cu­lar­ly for medi­cal goods. As an exam­p­le, Euro­pol cites its sup­port for Ope­ra­ti­on PANGEA, which resul­ted in the sei­zu­re of more than 34,000 coun­ter­feit sur­gi­cal masks world­wi­de bet­ween 3 and 10 March 2020. Cri­mi­nals are being crea­ti­ve in other are­as as well, such as by dis­gu­i­sing them­sel­ves as public health employees in order to gain ent­ry to homes and offices. Espe­ci­al­ly in light of the broad rest­ric­tions on social cont­acts and the asso­cia­ted trend of employees working from home, we are begin­ning to see an increase in a type of attack known as “CEO fraud,” in which cri­mi­nals place pho­ne calls clai­ming to be the CEO or depart­ment head and try to indu­ce their vic­tims to send them money.

In view of the­se num­e­rous thre­ats, it is abso­lut­e­ly cri­ti­cal for com­pa­nies to take the neces­sa­ry mea­su­res to avert such attacks, espe­ci­al­ly given the cur­rent situa­ti­on. To this end, com­pa­nies should careful­ly exami­ne their pro­ces­ses for vul­nerabi­li­ties to such attacks and take coun­ter­me­a­su­res. When sear­ching for weak spots, com­pa­nies should focus in par­ti­cu­lar on are­as whe­re uncer­tain­ties exist or whe­re work flows are unclear, e.g. becau­se employees are absent or working from home. Com­pa­nies should also update their con­tin­gen­cy plans so as to ensu­re that they will be able to respond quick­ly to attacks despi­te the cur­rent situa­ti­on. This is also important in view of the fact that it is curr­ent­ly unclear to what ext­ent report­ing and noti­fi­ca­ti­on requi­re­ments for data brea­ches have been sus­pen­ded. Given the high level of cri­mi­nal acti­vi­ty and the abili­ty of cri­mi­nals to quick­ly adapt to chan­ging cir­cum­s­tances, com­pa­nies should incre­asing­ly rely on experts to help them ana­ly­ze and mana­ge risks, espe­ci­al­ly in the cur­rent situation.


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