MDR and IVDR published in Offi­ci­al Jour­nal of Euro­pean Com­mu­ni­ty (OJEC)

On 5 May 2017, the MDR and the IVDR were published in the OJEC. So the final count­down is now on until the two regu­la­ti­ons come into force and a new era beg­ins for medi­cal device and IVD manufacturers. 

We are glad to pre­sent to you the prin­ci­pal chan­ges, new requi­re­ments for manu­fac­tu­r­ers and the sche­du­le for the con­tin­ued vali­di­ty of exis­ting cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and the final oppor­tu­ni­ty to place pro­ducts on the mar­ket on the basis of the old direc­ti­ves, and assist you in pre­pa­ra­ti­on for CE mar­king and MDR / IVDR compliance.

Find out more on 23 June 2017 in Düs­sel­dorf at the busi­ness brunch ‘Medi­cal Device Regu­la­ti­on – IVD Regulation’


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