Insu­rance: risk assess­ment and risk transfer


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Auto­mo­ti­ve sup­p­ly indus­try 2019

25 to 27 Sep­tem­ber at Klos­ter Hornbach

Trends and best prac­ti­ces in dealings with OEMs and sup­pli­ers. For the insu­rance modu­le, we have been able to enlist the aid of Nadi­ne Küg­ler, head of the Prac­ti­ce Group Auto­mo­ti­ve at Wil­lis Towers Watson:

  • risk assess­ment with quan­ti­ta­ti­ve methods and sce­na­rio analysis
  • the value of pro­duct lia­bi­li­ty and recall cost insu­rance poli­ci­es accor­ding to the insurance-value indi­ca­tor (IVI)
  • major loss or dama­ge – best prac­ti­ce of recent years

Nadi­ne Küg­ler has been respon­si­ble for Indus­try Prac­ti­ce Auto­mo­ti­ve at Wil­lis Towers Wat­son Ver­si­che­rungs­mak­ler GmbH (insu­rance bro­kers) for Ger­ma­ny / Aus­tria sin­ce 2010. The empha­sis in her con­sul­ting is on methods-based risk assess­ments for the auto­mo­ti­ve sup­p­ly indus­try, the deve­lo­p­ment of sector-specific insu­rance con­cepts, the pla­ce­ment of major and spe­cial risks, and the hand­ling of com­plex cases of loss or dama­ge in the are­as of pro­duct lia­bi­li­ty / recall and loss of earnings.

As in pre­vious years, cli­ents of reusch­law Legal Con­sul­tants will get a redu­ced rate for the event.

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