Data pro­tec­tion risk with third-party services?

hese are stor­my times for app and web­site pro­vi­ders and ope­ra­tors: In recent weeks, num­e­rous decis­i­ons by Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ties and courts regar­ding popu­lar and wide­ly used third-party ser­vices have been pro­mul­ga­ted. Below, we pro­vi­de an over­view of the cur­rent decis­i­ons and stra­te­gies for mini­mi­sing legal risks when using third-party services.

A pro­mi­nent recent exam­p­le is the “Goog­le Ana­ly­tics” ana­ly­sis tool. In addi­ti­on to the Aus­tri­an data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ty (PDF only in Ger­man), the French Com­mis­si­on Natio­na­le de l’In­for­ma­tique et des Liber­tés (only in Ger­man) has also declared the use of the tool to be ille­gal, as accor­ding to the aut­ho­ri­ties, among other things, the user’s IP address is trans­mit­ted to the US and thus to a third coun­try wit­hout suf­fi­ci­ent gua­ran­tees. Sin­ce the­se decis­i­ons are based on a total of 101 com­plaints filed by the “noyb” asso­cia­ti­on of data pro­tec­tion acti­vist Max Schrems, and sin­ce the Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties have coor­di­na­ted their efforts in this regard, fur­ther iden­ti­cal decis­i­ons can be expec­ted in the near future.

The Wies­ba­den Admi­nis­tra­ti­ve Court (only in Ger­man), in turn, had pro­vi­sio­nal­ly declared the popu­lar con­sent mana­ger “Coo­kie­bot” inad­mis­si­ble in sum­ma­ry pro­cee­dings, also becau­se of the trans­fer of data to the United Sta­tes. Howe­ver, the Hes­si­an Admi­nis­tra­ti­ve Court has mean­while resc­in­ded this decis­i­on in its ruling of 17 Janu­ary 2022 (Case 10 B 2486/21) (only in Ger­man) pen­ding the con­clu­si­on of the main proceedings.

Both decis­i­ons and ser­vices are mere­ly exem­pla­ry for the more pro­found pro­blem of third-country per­so­nal data trans­fers, which has beco­me signi­fi­cant­ly more dif­fi­cult, espe­ci­al­ly with regard to US pro­vi­ders, as a result of the “Schrems II Decis­i­on” of the Euro­pean Court of Jus­ti­ce (ECJ).

This pro­blem is also reflec­ted in a ruling by the Dis­trict Court of Munich dated 19 Janu­ary 2022 (Case 3 O 17493/20), albeit from a dif­fe­rent and pos­si­bly more cri­ti­cal per­spec­ti­ve for com­pa­nies. In its jud­ge­ment, the Dis­trict Court of Munich award­ed a web­site user dama­ges of EUR 100,00 for pain and suf­fe­ring due to the inte­gra­ti­on of fonts via “Goog­le Fonts”. As grounds, the Dis­trict Court sta­ted that when the respec­ti­ve web­site is cal­led up, a con­nec­tion is always estab­lished to a Goog­le ser­ver in the US, with at least the IP address of the respec­ti­ve web­site visi­tor being trans­mit­ted to Goog­le. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the case of web­sites of lar­ger com­pa­nies with thou­sands of hits per day, a con­sidera­ble amount of dama­ges could quick­ly be achie­ved in the event of cor­re­spon­ding com­plaints from users. This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly the case sin­ce, as a result of the recent rulings, a signi­fi­cant increase in the num­ber of cor­re­spon­ding lawsuits is to be expec­ted due to the increased public atten­ti­on. A pro­hi­bi­ti­on order by the data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ties could then even seem harm­less in com­pa­ri­son, so long as it does not affect any signi­fi­cant busi­ness processes.

What com­pa­nies should pay atten­ti­on to now

Seve­ral decis­i­ons against the use of popu­lar web tools within a few weeks pro­vi­de a call for action. Com­pa­nies should imme­dia­te­ly check whe­ther the use of a ser­vice with third-country trans­fers is man­da­to­ry for the com­pa­ny or whe­ther Euro­pean alter­na­ti­ves might not be able to be used if necessary.

Detached from indi­vi­du­al decis­i­ons and in a more gene­ral con­text, par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on should be paid to the sel­ec­tion and inte­gra­ti­on of alter­na­ti­ves that are not pro­ble­ma­tic from a data pro­tec­tion point of view and to the stra­te­gic imple­men­ta­ti­on of tech­ni­cal mea­su­res, such as encryp­ti­on or pseud­ony­mi­sa­ti­on, when using new ser­vices and deve­lo­ping new pro­ducts in the sen­se of “pri­va­cy by design”. If data pro­tec­tion is alre­a­dy taken into account during deve­lo­p­ment, ques­ti­ons that ari­se can usual­ly be ans­we­red much more easi­ly and solu­ti­ons can be bet­ter inte­gra­ted into the respec­ti­ve pro­ces­ses. The Euro­pean Uni­on Agen­cy for Cyber Secu­ri­ty (ENISA) has also recent­ly published recom­men­da­ti­ons on this in gui­de­lines on “Data Pro­tec­tion Engi­nee­ring”.

If the use of a par­ti­cu­lar ser­vice is man­da­to­ry, a so-called “trans­fer impact assess­ment” should be car­ri­ed out in any case when using stan­dard con­trac­tu­al clau­ses as a trans­fer mecha­nism. Mean­while, some light at the end of the “third coun­try tun­nel” is pro­vi­ded by the fact that the cur­rent decis­i­ons “increase pres­su­re on the US to make con­ces­si­ons on data pro­tec­tion for EU citi­zens” (only in Ger­man), which at the same time should acce­le­ra­te the ongo­ing nego­tia­ti­ons for a suc­ces­sor to the EU-US Pri­va­cy Shield.

At the same time, howe­ver, the next chal­lenges are alre­a­dy emer­ging: Just a few weeks ago, the Bel­gi­an data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty fined IAB Euro­pe EUR 250,000 for alle­ged data pro­tec­tion vio­la­ti­ons in the Trans­pa­ren­cy and Con­sent Frame­work (TCF). As grounds, the Bel­gi­an data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty poin­ted out, among other things, that in its view the pro­ces­sing and trans­fer of data are car­ri­ed out wit­hout a legal basis and wit­hout suf­fi­ci­ent infor­ma­ti­on being pro­vi­ded to the data subjects…a far-reaching decis­i­on, becau­se the TCF is used on count­less web­sites to obtain con­sent for the dis­play of per­so­na­li­sed advertising.

Even wit­hout a trans­fer to third count­ries, the inte­gra­ti­on of third-party ser­vices can rai­se data pro­tec­tion issues that should be cla­ri­fied in advan­ce during the deve­lo­p­ment of apps and web­sites, both with regard to the risk of a pro­hi­bi­ti­on order and becau­se of the risk of claims for dama­ges for pain and suffering.


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