ENISA and BKA report on cyber­se­cu­ri­ty: over­view of the big­gest threats

ENISA and BKA have published seve­ral reports in recent weeks on the sta­tus of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty in Euro­pe and Ger­ma­ny. In addi­ti­on to cur­rent thre­ats, the­se reports address the impact of the coro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic on cor­po­ra­te cyber­se­cu­ri­ty, as well as new cyber­crime busi­ness models. Com­pa­nies should take the­se publi­ca­ti­ons as an occa­si­on to revi­se their own IT secu­ri­ty pro­ces­ses in order to adapt to the­se new thre­ats. It is also incre­asing­ly important for com­pa­nies to con­sider legal aspects when defen­ding against cyberattacks.

The Reports in Particular

ENISA Thre­at Land­scape 2020

The ENISA Thre­at Land­scape 2020 ana­ly­zes cyber­th­re­ats in the peri­od from Janu­ary 2019 to April 2020. The Thre­at Land­scape con­sists of 22 indi­vi­du­al reports in all, inclu­ding detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on about each of the top 15 thre­ats iden­ti­fied by the agen­cy. The report includes seve­ral info­gra­phics, con­tai­ning infor­ma­ti­on e.g. about how cyber­cri­mi­nals are ope­ra­ting during the coro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic. Based on ENISA’s ana­ly­sis, the fol­lo­wing are the main cyber­th­re­ats facing com­pa­nies today:

  • Mal­wa­re, in the form of encryp­ting Tro­jans (ran­som­wa­re) or cryptominers
  • Web-based attacks, e.g. through mani­pu­la­ted web­sites or bru­te force attacks
  • Phis­hing, par­ti­cu­lar­ly by sen­ding our e‑mails with mali­cious attach­ments or links to frau­du­lent websites
  • Web appli­ca­ti­on attacks, e.g. using SQL Injec­tion or Cross-Site Scrip­ting (XSS)
  • Sen­ding of SPAM, which has rea­ched a new high during the coro­na­vi­rus pandemic
  • DDoS attacks, which inter­fe­re with the avai­la­bi­li­ty of sys­tems and services
  • Iden­ti­ty theft through the ille­gal use of per­so­nal data
  • Data brea­ches through unaut­ho­ri­zed access to data
  • Insi­de thre­ats, e.g. from insi­ders who abu­se their authority
  • Bot­nets, which allow cyber­cri­mi­nals to syn­chro­ni­ze their attacks over a lar­ge num­ber of devices
  • Phy­si­cal mani­pu­la­ti­on, dama­ge, theft and loss
  • Infor­ma­ti­on leaka­ge, which may occur e.g. due to poor­ly con­fi­gu­red systems
  • Ran­som­wa­re, to which a sepa­ra­te report was devo­ted in addi­ti­on to the No. 1 thre­at (mal­wa­re)
  • Cybere­spio­na­ge and espio­na­ge by govern­ments and other actors
  • “Cryp­to­jack­ing” attacks using mal­wa­re desi­gned to gene­ra­te cryp­to­cur­ren­ci­es (“cryp­to­mi­ning”); also the sub­ject of a sepa­ra­te report in addi­ti­on to the No. 1 threat

BKA’s Cyber­crime 2019 Sta­tus Report and Spe­cial Report on “Cyber­crime during the Coro­na­vi­rus Pandemic”

BKA’s Cyber­crime 2019 Sta­tus Report is much more com­pact than the ENISA Thre­at Land­scape 2020, but is no less infor­ma­ti­ve. It reports that cyber­crime is beco­ming incre­asing­ly pro­fes­sio­na­li­zed, and that more and more cri­mi­nal value chains are emer­ging. The grea­test thre­at to private-sector com­pa­nies, accor­ding to BKA’s fin­dings, are ran­som­wa­re attacks. In this, BKA’s assess­ment is lar­ge­ly in agree­ment with ENISA’s ana­ly­sis, as well as with our own expe­ri­ence advi­sing com­pa­nies. At the same time, BKA reports a rapid increase in the num­ber and inten­si­ty of DDoS attacks. In gene­ral, the per­pe­tra­tors of the­se attacks have glo­bal con­nec­tions and ope­ra­te on an inter­na­tio­nal sca­le with divi­si­on of labor. The best defen­se against cyber­at­tacks, in BKA’s view, are sen­si­ble inter­net users who are capa­ble of iden­ti­fy­ing and defen­ding against the­se attacks. In addi­ti­on to its state­ments about attack sce­na­ri­os and the num­e­rous examp­les it pro­vi­des, BKA’s fin­dings with regard to cri­mi­nal net­works, the so-called “under­ground eco­no­my,” are espe­ci­al­ly inte­res­t­ing. Spe­cial men­ti­on is also devo­ted to the prac­ti­ce of indus­tri­al espio­na­ge by means of cyber­at­tacks, which BKA regards as “a key method of infor­ma­ti­on gathe­ring for for­eign intel­li­gence ser­vices” as well. In addi­ti­on to its Cyber­crime 2019 Sta­tus Report, BKA also published a spe­cial report on “Cyber­crime during the Coro­na­vi­rus Pan­de­mic.” Accor­ding to BKA, the pri­ma­ry thre­ats within the con­text of coro­na­vi­rus are fake web­sites, phis­hing and mal­wa­re spamming. But at the same time, BKA also stres­ses the risk of DDoS attacks for employees working from home.

Assess­ment and Options

The fin­dings repor­ted by ENISA and BKA are not sur­pri­sing and pro­vi­de a com­ple­te pic­tu­re of the cur­rent thre­at sta­tus in gene­ral and the chan­ges brought by the coro­na­vi­rus pan­de­mic in par­ti­cu­lar. As the eco­no­my beco­mes incre­asing­ly digi­ti­zed, it is to be expec­ted that the increase in cyber­crime will con­ti­nue. Accor­din­gly, com­pa­nies will have to con­ti­nue to devo­te a gre­at deal of atten­ti­on to cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and respon­ding to cur­rent thre­ats. In par­ti­cu­lar, com­pa­nies should be pre­pared to deal with ran­som­wa­re and DDoS attacks.

Not only is this neces­sa­ry from the view­point of IT secu­ri­ty, but it may be a legal requi­re­ment as well, e.g. within the con­text of appro­pria­te tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal mea­su­res in accordance with Artic­le 32(1) of the GDPR. One must also not over­look the fact that cyber­at­tacks have legal impli­ca­ti­ons. This may be the case in respon­se to such attacks, such as e.g. duties to report the attack to the data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ty or the Fede­ral Office for Infor­ma­ti­on Secu­ri­ty, in the case of tho­se ope­ra­ting cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tu­re, or to noti­fy data sub­jects. But com­pa­nies should also devo­te more con­side­ra­ti­on to the legal aspects of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty befo­re an attack occurs, e.g. by making con­trac­tu­al arran­ge­ments with ser­vice pro­vi­ders which are spe­ci­fi­cal­ly devo­ted to the hand­ling of cyber­at­tacks (“inci­dent respon­se”). Such con­trac­tu­al arran­ge­ments, which may include e.g. docu­men­ta­ti­on requi­re­ments, may pro­ve hel­pful when it comes to defen­ding against pos­si­ble dama­ge claims from data sub­jects or see­king recour­se against ser­vice providers.


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