Safety of cosmetic products
Business Brunch cosmetics 4.0 on 28 April 2017 with Miriam Schuh
With the coming into force of the Cosmetic Products Regulation (EC Regulation 1223/2009), the requirements relating to the safety of cosmetic products have been tightened further. Manufacturers must ensure that only safe products are placed on the market. The aim, in accordance with the objectives of the Cosmetic Products Regulation, is to achieve a high level of health protection. In the Cosmetic Products Regulation, the system of notification for formulations which exists in Germany has been prescribed as a binding requirement at EU level too, and the requirements relating to safety assessment have been substantiated further.
Our topics will include
- definition of cosmetic products as opposed to other product groups, ‘borderline products’
- undesirable side effects, cosmetovigilance
- product liability, product safety, market surveillance
- design of contracts with toll manufacturers and quality assurance agreements
- legally watertight advertising for cosmetic products, Health Claims Regulation
- current jurisprudence
We look forward to discussing these topics with you at our Business Brunch.