Busi­ness Brunch digi­tal: Revi­si­on of the Machi­nery Directive


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The mecha­ni­cal and plant engi­nee­ring indus­try has under­go­ne con­stant chan­ges, adjus­t­ments and impro­ve­ments over time to a grea­ter degree than any other indus­tri­al sec­tor. We are now living through the “Fourth Indus­tri­al Revo­lu­ti­on” (“Indus­try 4.0”), which would have been dis­missed just a few years ago as mere uto­pian fan­ta­sy: ever­y­day machi­nes today are equip­ped with “embedded sys­tems,” i.e. built-in com­pu­ters with inte­gra­ted soft­ware (‘embedded soft­ware”) desi­gned to per­form con­trol, moni­to­ring and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons func­tions and to make life easier for users in their “smart home.”

The Machi­nery Direc­ti­ve (Direc­ti­ve 2006/42/EC) has been revi­sed once again based on an eva­lua­ti­on by the Com­mis­si­on in sum­mer of 2018 in an effort to adapt the exis­ting legal frame­work so as to meet the requi­re­ments posed by the pro­gres­si­ve digi­tiza­ti­on of the mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring indus­try in the Inter­net of Things (IoT), as well as with regard to arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence (AI) and a new gene­ra­ti­on of auto­no­mous robots. The pro­po­sal also calls for struc­tu­ral and for­mal chan­ges which are of rele­van­ce for eco­no­mic operators.

At our busi­ness brunch, Phil­ipp Reusch and Saskia Witt­brodt will pre­sent and explain the requi­re­ments which will app­ly in the future for pla­cing machi­nery on the mar­ket within the scope of the new Machi­nery Regu­la­ti­on, as well as the resul­ting legal impli­ca­ti­ons for eco­no­mic operators.

We are hoping for acti­ve par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and look for­ward to an inten­si­ve and exci­ting discussion.

Ses­si­on 1
Novel­lie­rung der Maschi­nen­richt­li­nie 2006/42/EG (MRL)

  • Histo­ry of the MD
  • Start­ing posi­ti­on and time­ta­ble of the revision
  • Results of the Commission’s eva­lua­ti­on and work program


Saskia Witt­brodt, Seni­or Asso­cia­te in the Regu­la­to­ry Affairs & Mar­ket Mea­su­res team

Ses­si­on 2
Com­mis­si­on Pro­po­sal for a Machi­nery Regulation

  • Pre­sen­ta­ti­on of struc­tu­ral, for­mal and sub­stan­ti­ve changes
  • Excur­sus: new legal frame­work for cybersecurity


Phil­ipp Reusch, Head of Regu­la­to­ry Affairs & Mar­ket Mea­su­res team

Ses­si­on 3
Eva­lua­ti­on and Prac­ti­cal Outlook


Regis­ter now. Admis­si­on is free of char­ge. The event will be con­duc­ted on 27 August from 10:30am-12:00pm as a web­i­nar with Zoom video con­fe­ren­cing software.


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