Pro­duc­tIP – Com­pli­ance Tuesday


Date 21.11.2023, 11:00-12:00 CET

After 30+ years the new Pro­duct Lia­bi­li­ty Direc­ti­ve is rea­dy. What are your liabilities?

For any repu­ta­ble com­pa­ny invol­ved in the manu­fac­tu­ring, retail and trade of non-food con­su­mer goods, pro­duct com­pli­ance has beco­me an inte­gral part of doing busi­ness. To help you with this major chall­enge, Pro­duc­tIP has been orga­ni­s­ing Com­pli­ance Tues­day ses­si­ons sin­ce 2012, whe­re experts give you an insight into regu­la­to­ry chan­ges, poten­ti­al impacts on your busi­ness and how to deal with them.

Miri­am Schuh will be spea­king about the new Pro­duct Lia­bi­li­ty Direc­ti­ve in this web­i­nar at 11am.

Access to Com­pli­ance Tues­day is free, reser­va­ti­on is requi­red. Com­pli­ance Tues­day ses­si­ons are also open for non-ProductIP-users.

Com­pli­ance Tues­day is a web­i­nar orga­nis­ed by Pro­duc­tIP B.V. and is held on the video con­fe­ren­cing soft­ware Zoom. Infor­ma­ti­on on regis­tra­ti­on can be found here.


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