An ana­ly­sis of the legal frame­work in the EU for pla­cing char­ging sys­tems on the market

“The low-emission mobi­li­ty stra­tegy is one of the­se stra­te­gies and among­st other goals stri­ves to decar­bo­ni­ze the mobi­li­ty sys­tem in which low-emission and zero-emission vehic­les with high­ly effi­ci­ent alter­na­ti­ve dri­ve sys­tems for all modes of trans­port play a key role. In line with this goal, the Com­mis­si­on has alre­a­dy star­ted set­ting incen­ti­ves for low-emission alter­na­ti­ve ener­gies and vehic­les, by encou­ra­ging a modal shift to acti­ve tra­vel such as cycling and wal­king, in public trans­port and/or shared mobi­li­ty sche­mes such as bike, car-sharing and car-pooling. Fur­ther­mo­re, the Com­mis­si­on has set new CO2 stan­dards to help manu­fac­tu­r­ers embrace inno­va­ti­on and sup­p­ly low-emission vehic­les to the market”

Saskia Witt­brodt in chapter:“An ana­ly­sis of the legal frame­work in the EU for pla­cing char­ging sys­tems on the mar­ket.” in “Der Antrieb von mor­gen 2021″.


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