Dr. Volker Hartmann
Of Counsel
- Advising on industrial technology projects in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, autonomous and connected driving; focus on the automotive sector and mechanical engineering
- At the interface of technology and law: setting up and advising on product compliance systems and quality management systems as well as development processes in a safety-critical environment
- Advising on and managing M&A projects and R&D cooperations in the above-mentioned technology fields
- Strategic legal lobbying and advice on legislative procedures on technology issues
- Legal advice to founding teams, investors and start-ups in regulated industries
- Studied law and European law at the University of Wuerzburg
- Doctorate on a topic related to product liability law at the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
- (Guest-) lecturer at the University of St. Gallen
- Currently: General Counsel at Fernride GmbH in Munich (previously in management positions at Audi, Mercedes-Benz and VW Group)
Current projects (extract)
- 360° legal advice on a strategy for the development of a software-defined vehicle platform (SDV)
- “Humanoid Robots” – Product law issues
- Advising on the development and commercialisation of autonomous machines in production and logistics
Latest Events
Publications (selection)
- Article (co-authors Ole Hans and Yannik Seebach) in 'ZfPC - Zeitschrift für Product Compliance', issue 1/2024, beginning on p. 9: "Product Compliance, Produkthaftung und Systems Engineering - Rechtskonforme Entwicklung komplexer Produkte am Beispiel des vernetzten und automatisierten Fahrens (Teil 2)" ($), publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH: Baden-Baden
- Article (co-authors Ole Hans and Yannik Seebach) in 'ZfPC - Zeitschrift für Product Compliance', issue 6/2023, beginning on p. 250: "Product Compliance, Produkthaftung und Systems Engineering - Rechtskonforme Entwicklung komplexer Produkte am Beispiel des vernetzten und automatisierten Fahrens (Teil 1)" ($), publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH: Baden-Baden
- Article in 'PHi Haftpflicht international - Recht & Versicherung', issue 6/2023: "Remanufacturing im Automobilsektor - Fragestellungen des Regulierungs- und Produkthaftungsrechts" ($), publisher: General Reinsurance AG: Cologne
- Article (co-author Yannick Seebach) in 'PHi Haftpflicht international - Recht & Versicherung', issue 3-4/2023: "Produkthaftung und Produktsicherheit im Kontext des Prototypen-Testings von Fahrzeugen im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr" ($), publisher: General Reinsurance AG: Cologne
- Article in 'REthinking:Law', issue 2/2021: "Software als Steuerungsintelligenz in intelligenten Produkten - Herausforderungen aus Sicht des Produkthaftungsrechts" ($), publisher: Fachmedien Otto Schmidt KG: Duesseldorf
- Article in 'PHi Haftpflicht international - Recht & Versicherung', issue 3/2021: "Das Zusammenspiel von Qualität, Product Compliance, Produktsicherheit und Produkthaftung bei software-gesteuerten Systemen (Teil 2)" ($), publisher: General Reinsurance AG: Cologne
- Article in 'PHi Haftpflicht international - Recht & Versicherung', issue 2/2021: "Das Zusammenspiel von Qualität, Product Compliance, Produktsicherheit und Produkthaftung bei software-gesteuerten Systemen (Teil 1)" ($), publisher: General Reinsurance AG: Cologne