Quo vadis, auto­no­mous driving?


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What will the future deliver? 

Auto­mo­ti­ve sup­p­ly indus­try 2018 – 26 to 28 Sep­tem­ber at Klos­ter Hornbach 

The mobi­li­ty of tomor­row makes the head­lines more or less every day. But what about laws and stan­dards? Dani­el Wuhr­mann will be devo­ting hims­elf to the topic of ‘auto­ma­ted dri­ving’ from a legal point of view and thro­wing some light on the fol­lo­wing aspects: 

  • cur­rent sta­tus of the Euro­pean legal frame­work for (part­ly) auto­ma­ted driving 
  • intel­li­gent and auto­no­mous sys­tems – who is liable?
  • legal hurd­les for sup­pli­ers – the outlook 

Dani­el Wuhr­mann is a sala­ry part­ner at reusch­law Legal Con­sul­tants. As an expe­ri­en­ced expert with exten­si­ve sector-specific know-how in the auto­mo­ti­ve sup­p­ly indus­try, the empha­sis in his work is on advi­sing cli­ents from the auto­mo­ti­ve / auto­mo­bi­le sup­p­ly sec­tor. As far as the con­tent of that advice as a lawy­er goes, it main­ly con­cerns the nego­tia­ti­on and design of inter­na­tio­nal con­tracts, advice on pro­duct recalls, liti­ga­ti­on and pro­duct liability.



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