Busi­ness Brunch digi­tal: Recent Deve­lo­p­ments in Data Pro­tec­tion Law


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In our “Busi­ness Brunch digi­tal: Recent Deve­lo­p­ments in Data Pro­tec­tion Law,” we will shi­ne a light on recent deve­lo­p­ments in various are­as of data pro­tec­tion law. You will be recei­ving recom­men­da­ti­ons con­cer­ning imple­men­ta­ti­on of the GDPR and the Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Act in prac­ti­ce, as well as infor­ma­ti­on about key court rulings and opi­ni­ons from the data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties.

You will recei­ve an over­view of recent decis­i­ons by Ger­man and Euro­pean courts which are par­ti­cu­lar­ly rele­vant for your com­pa­ny in prac­ti­ce, with an empha­sis on decis­i­ons rela­ting e.g. to dama­ge claims filed by data sub­jects and rights of access to infor­ma­ti­on.

We will also dis­cuss the latest deve­lo­p­ments with regard to inter­na­tio­nal data trans­fers. What do com­pa­nies need to keep in mind if they use ser­vice pro­vi­ders in third count­ries? How can com­pli­ance be ensu­red and docu­men­ted?

We will also pro­vi­de an over­view of key decis­i­ons by data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties, as well as rele­vant views and gui­de­lines from the latest acti­vi­ty reports.

Ses­si­on 1
Judgments in Data Pro­tec­tion Law with Prac­ti­cal Relevance

Ses­si­on 2
Inter­na­tio­nal Data Trans­fers after Schrems II: To-Dos

  • Ste­fan Hes­sel, Asso­cia­te, Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty & Data Pro­tec­tion Team

Ses­si­on 3
The Latest from the Super­vi­so­ry Aut­ho­ri­ties: High­lights from Acti­vi­ty Reports and Opinions

We look for­ward to exci­ting con­tent and dis­cus­sions with the participants.

event fly­er

Regis­ter now. Admis­si­on is free of char­ge. The event will be con­duc­ted as a web­i­nar with Zoom video con­fe­ren­cing software.


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