Future law

Lia­bi­li­ty issues in the deploy­ment of auto­no­mous systems

Indus­try 4.0, auto­mo­bi­le indus­try, data pro­tec­tion law, Big Data

Everyone’s tal­king about auto­no­mous sys­tems. They inter­act pur­po­seful­ly with other sys­tems, and are capa­ble of lear­ning in the decis­i­ons they make with a very high degree of inde­pen­dence from the actu­al user. About this book:

  • expl­ana­ti­on of the legal frame­work of pro­ducts in gene­ral and auto­no­mous sys­tems in particular
  • distinc­tion accor­ding to con­trac­tu­al and non-contractual lia­bi­li­ty and descrip­ti­on of requi­re­ments under pro­duct safe­ty law
  • tre­at­ment of loT block­chain and digi­tal twin appli­ca­ti­ons for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of legal requi­re­ments or ena­blem­ent of auto­no­mous systems
  • sum­ma­ry of the legal chal­lenges in the Ger­man lia­bi­li­ty system
  • dis­cus­sion of the way patent and trade­mark law mesh together
  • a look at the pos­si­ble impacts in the appli­ca­ti­on of the concept

 Tar­get groups 

Att­or­neys at law, cor­po­ra­te coun­sel, com­mer­cial lawy­ers, sci­en­ti­fic rese­ar­chers, rese­ar­chers in the fields of digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on, data pro­tec­tion law, IT law and gene­ral civil law

Order from the Deut­scher Fachverlag


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