KBA pre­pa­res to con­duct mar­ket surveillance

EU Regu­la­ti­on 2018/858 appli­es direct­ly in all EU mem­ber sta­tes as of 1 Sep­tem­ber 2020 (as we repor­ted). This legis­la­ti­on har­mo­ni­zes the tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments and the rules gover­ning type appr­oval and pla­ce­ment on the mar­ket for all new vehic­les, sys­tems, com­pon­ents and sepa­ra­te tech­ni­cal units.

Requi­re­ments for manufacturers

Manu­fac­tu­r­ers are gene­ral­ly respon­si­ble for the appr­oval pro­ce­du­re and for adhe­ring to the requi­re­ments (tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments) spe­ci­fied in Annex II to the Regu­la­ti­on, in which the appli­ca­ble regu­la­to­ry acts are lis­ted.  Moreo­ver, it is not only actu­al devia­ti­ons from the­se requi­re­ments which are sub­ject to over­sight and pen­al­ties: manu­fac­tu­r­ers are also con­side­red to be non-compliant with the Regu­la­ti­on if the appr­oval or mar­ket sur­veil­lan­ce aut­ho­ri­ties and/or the Com­mis­si­on are unable to veri­fy adhe­rence to the tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments based on the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded by the manu­fac­tu­rer (Artic­le 5(2)©). As a result, manu­fac­tu­r­ers have a far-reaching duty of care to ensu­re that adhe­rence to the tech­ni­cal requi­re­ments is docu­men­ted in a com­ple­te and com­pre­hen­si­ble manner. 

Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of mar­ket sur­veil­lan­ce measures

Each mem­ber sta­te is requi­red to test one in every 40,000 vehic­les regis­tered each year (Artic­le 8(2)), one in every five of which must be tes­ted under real-world con­di­ti­ons (Artic­le 8(3)). Germany’s Fede­ral Motor Trans­port Aut­ho­ri­ty (KBA) is respon­si­ble for both appr­oval and mar­ket sur­veil­lan­ce. This is per­mis­si­ble in accordance with the Regu­la­ti­on, pro­vi­ded a strict sepa­ra­ti­on of respon­si­bi­li­ties, func­tions and acti­vi­ties is main­tai­ned within the orga­niza­ti­on, and if the tasks are mana­ged by inde­pen­dent struc­tures (Artic­le 6(1)).
KBA’s infra­struc­tu­re has been adapt­ed so as to satis­fy the exten­si­ve requi­re­ments, par­ti­cu­lar­ly with regard to defeat devices (also see Reci­tal No. 36). As of the start of 2021, KBA’s mar­ket sur­veil­lan­ce divi­si­on, which has been the respon­si­ble body sin­ce ear­ly 2017, will have access to a sta­tio­na­ry emis­si­ons labo­ra­to­ry (only in Ger­man) in addi­ti­on to its exis­ting mobi­le emis­si­ons test­ing equip­ment. KBA also has a test track (only in Ger­man), in which e.g. a vehicle’s emis­si­ons as mea­su­red on a chas­sis dyna­mo­me­ter can be che­cked by con­duc­ting the dri­ving cycles pre­scri­bed by law.

Mea­su­res and penalties

The object of the Regu­la­ti­on is to streng­then the “qua­li­ty of test­ing, mar­ket sur­veil­lan­ce and gover­nan­ce of the type-approval sys­tem.” With regard to poten­ti­al mar­ket sur­veil­lan­ce, an exten­si­ve sys­tem of mea­su­res has now been estab­lished, for which con­sis­tent rules app­ly across the EU. With regard to pro­duct recalls, KBA and natio­nal manu­fac­tu­r­ers have deve­lo­ped a Code for the exe­cu­ti­on of recall cam­paigns. Not­wi­th­stan­ding this Code, Artic­le 51 and sub­se­quent Artic­les of the Regu­la­ti­on pro­vi­de for EU-wide col­la­bo­ra­ti­on on the part of the aut­ho­ri­ties in each mem­ber sta­te, to be achie­ved through mutu­al noti­fi­ca­ti­on requi­re­ments, and to be imple­men­ted in a con­sis­tent man­ner based on imple­men­ting acts.
In addi­ti­on to the mea­su­res pro­vi­ded for in the Regu­la­ti­on (e.g. refu­sal to reco­gni­ze type appr­oval (Artic­le 52)), mem­ber sta­tes may also impo­se addi­tio­nal pen­al­ties for vio­la­ti­on of the Regu­la­ti­on (Artic­le 84). In addi­ti­on, the Com­mis­si­on may impo­se fines upon tho­se who fail to meet the Regulation’s requi­re­ments (Artic­le 85). The fines impo­sed by the Com­mis­si­on may be seve­re (up to EUR 30,000 for each non-conforming vehic­le, sys­tem or com­po­nent, or each sepa­ra­te tech­ni­cal unit), but may not be com­bi­ned with pen­al­ties impo­sed by the mem­ber sta­tes for the same violation.


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