Social media ana­ly­sis for suppliers


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Auto­mo­ti­ve sup­p­ly indus­try 2018 – 26 to 28 Sep­tem­ber at Klos­ter Hornbach

Ana­ly­sis of cus­to­mer feed­back from social media for lami­na­ted safe­ty glass in the auto­mo­ti­ve sector

Social media and the ana­ly­sis of data obtai­ned from them are beco­ming more and more important, also in the sup­p­ly indus­try. Yet ano­ther reason to occu­py our­sel­ves with this topic at our auto­mo­ti­ve event. To do that, we have been able to enlist the ser­vices of Vere­na Hein­richs (PRS Tech­no­lo­gie Gesell­schaft mbH) and Dr. Uwe Kel­ler (Kura­ray Euro­pe GmbH), who will be pro­vi­ding some insights into sub­jects such as:

  • your cus­to­mer is on line: whe­re are you?
  • right at the source: social media ana­ly­sis for suppliers
  • the Kura­ray case stu­dy: lami­na­ted safe­ty glass – tech­no­lo­gy and user experience

Vere­na Hein­richs stu­di­ed lin­gu­i­stics and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sci­ence / appli­ed lin­gu­i­stics at the RWTH in Aachen and work­ed as from 2013 as a rese­arch asso­cia­te in the ‘Cus­to­mer Insights’ group at the chair of qua­li­ty manage­ment of Prof. Robert Schmitt. Sin­ce 2017 she has been head of ‘Social Media Intel­li­gence / SOCiA­LY­OU’ at the PRS Tech­no­lo­gy Co., a spin-off of the RWTH. The team, com­pri­sing engi­neers, soft­ware deve­lo­pers and data sci­en­tists, extra­cts and ana­ly­ses the cus­to­mer’s voice from the Net and assists com­pa­nies in the data-based deve­lo­p­ment of inno­va­ti­ve pro­ducts and services.


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