Cyber secu­ri­ty com­pli­ance: four Euro­pean cor­ner­sto­nes for manufacturers

The Radio Equip­ment Direc­ti­ve revi­sed, the NIS‑2 Direc­ti­ve new­ly crea­ted The Cyber Secu­ri­ty Act and the Machi­nery Regu­la­ti­on are plan­ned. We pre­sent the­se four key steps towards a uni­form cyber secu­ri­ty level for manu­fac­tu­r­ers across the EU.

Smart meters and indus­tri­al IOT: all radio systems

The Radio Equip­ment Direc­ti­ve(2014/53/EU), trans­po­sed into Ger­man law by the Radio Equip­ment Act 2017, con­ta­ins basic requi­re­ments for the pro­vi­si­on of radio equip­ment on the Euro­pean sin­gle mar­ket. By way of a dele­ga­ted regu­la­ti­on of 29 Octo­ber 2021, the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on exten­ded the scope and pur­po­se of the law. Radio equip­ment that com­mu­ni­ca­tes direct­ly or indi­rect­ly (via other devices) with the Inter­net must ensu­re cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and data pro­tec­tion. You can find a detail­ed over­view of the scope of appli­ca­ti­on here.

NIS‑2 Direc­ti­ve

The NIS‑2 Direc­ti­ve, which came into force at the begin­ning of 2023, con­ta­ins a host of new obli­ga­ti­ons to increase the level of cyber secu­ri­ty in com­pa­nies that are “high­ly cri­ti­cal” accor­ding to Annex I or belong to other cri­ti­cal sec­tors accor­ding to Annex II. Com­pa­nies are affec­ted if they have more than 50 employees or tur­no­ver excee­ding EUR 10 mil­li­on and if they pro­vi­de their ser­vices within the EU. Tho­se who are obli­ged must estab­lish a detail­ed cyber secu­ri­ty risk manage­ment sys­tem. Accor­ding to the will of the issuers of the Direc­ti­ve, cer­ti­fied sys­tems and stan­dar­di­sed pro­ces­ses will be used given pre­fe­ren­ti­al tre­at­ment. Trans­po­si­ti­on into Ger­man law is immi­nent. Accor­ding to the prin­ci­ple of mini­mum har­mo­ni­sa­ti­on, legis­la­tors may set stric­ter requi­re­ments. You can find detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on here.

Cyber Resi­li­ence Act: new obli­ga­ti­ons for digi­tal products

With a pro­po­sal dated 15 Sep­tem­ber 2022, the EU Com­mis­si­on pre­sen­ted its draft for a Cyber Resi­li­ence Act. This con­ta­ins requi­re­ments for the deve­lo­p­ment, design, pro­duc­tion and deli­very of digi­tal pro­ducts. Cyber secu­ri­ty must be ensu­red throug­hout the enti­re pro­duct life­cy­cle. The regu­la­ti­ons are com­plex and, in addi­ti­on to a uni­que defi­ni­ti­on of cri­ti­cal pro­ducts, also refer to high-risk sys­tems as defi­ned in the plan­ned AI Regu­la­ti­on. Addres­sees include manu­fac­tu­r­ers, dis­tri­bu­tors, importers and their aut­ho­ri­sed repre­sen­ta­ti­ves.  Anne­xes I and IIpro­vi­de an idea of the future requi­re­ments; cri­ti­cal pro­duct groups (38 to date) are lis­ted in Annex III. Detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on can be found in our free­ly acces­si­ble artic­le on the CRA in the jour­nal, Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on & Recht.

Machi­nery Regulation

The pro­po­sal on a machi­nery regu­la­ti­on to replace the cur­rent direc­ti­ve was published at the end of 2022. For the first time, it is being declared per­mis­si­ble to make ope­ra­ting ins­truc­tions available in digi­tal form alo­ne. The new scope of appli­ca­ti­on also extends to software-operated machi­nes and requi­res risk assess­ment pro­ce­du­res. Internet-enabled machi­nes must be spe­ci­al­ly secu­red against tam­pe­ring. The inno­va­tions are cover­ed in detail in our white­pa­per from Sep­tem­ber of last year.


The NIS‑2 Direc­ti­ve must first be trans­po­sed into natio­nal law. The chan­ges to the Radio Equip­ment Direc­ti­ve app­ly as a dele­ga­ted regu­la­ti­on imme­dia­te­ly as of 1 August 2024. It is not yet clear when the Cyber Secu­ri­ty Act or the Machi­nery Regu­la­ti­on will be adopted. What is dis­cer­ni­ble, howe­ver, is the clear ten­den­cy of Euro­pean legis­la­tors to dri­ve for­ward digi­ti­sa­ti­on wit­hout com­pro­mi­sing net­work sta­bi­li­ty, con­su­mer pro­tec­tion or data pro­tec­tion. Manu­fac­tu­r­ers should take the neces­sa­ry mea­su­res today to avo­id fal­ling behind. You can also find more infor­ma­ti­on in our one-page reports, Inci­dent Respon­se (.pdf) and Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Data Pro­tec­tion by Design (.pdf).


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