Working Paper: NIS2 and REACH

Working Paper on ANNEX II No. 3 NIS2 Directive

“The NIS2 Direc­ti­ve, adopted in Janu­ary 2023, requi­res com­pre­hen­si­ve trans­po­si­ti­on in the EU Mem­ber Sta­tes by 17 Octo­ber 2024. In this con­text, the Machi­nery and Equip­ment Manu­fac­tu­r­ers Asso­cia­ti­on (VDMA) and reusch­law are pre­sen­ting a Working Paper on the assess­ment and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of ANNEX II No. 3 of the NIS2 Direc­ti­ve. The paper ana­ly­ses the defi­ni­ti­ons in the NIS2 Direc­ti­ve, in par­ti­cu­lar regar­ding the pro­duc­tion of che­mi­cal sub­s­tances, mix­tures, and artic­les. The focus here is on how the Direc­ti­ve inter­acts with the REACH Regulation.

The working paper shows that more than 22,500 com­pa­nies (approx. 50%) in the manu­fac­tu­ring indus­try in Ger­ma­ny are affec­ted in accordance with ANNEX II No. 3, while at the same time the­re is a signi­fi­cant over­lap with other rele­vant sec­tors in accordance with ANNEX II, which reve­als ambi­gui­ties, con­tra­dic­tions, and regu­la­to­ry gaps in the NIS2 Directive.

Final­ly, sug­gested wor­ding is pre­sen­ted to impro­ve the pre­cis­i­on and cla­ri­ty of the NIS2 Direc­ti­ve in its natio­nal imple­men­ta­ti­on. Tools such as the NIS2 Quick-Check and the VDMA NIS2 working group are pre­sen­ted to sup­port com­pa­nies in imple­men­ting the NIS2 Directive.

The working paper was writ­ten joint­ly by Stef­fen Zim­mer­mann, VDMA and Ste­fan Hes­sel. You can down­load the full docu­ment below.

Working Paper on ANNEX II No. 3 NIS2 Directive
Steffen Zimmermann, VDMA
Stefan Hessel, reuschlaw

Working Paper on ANNEX II No. 3 NIS2 Directive


Stef­fen Zim­mer­mann, VDMA
Ste­fan Hes­sel, reuschlaw


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