EU Com­mis­si­on pre­pa­res revi­si­on of the NIS Directive

The Direc­ti­ve “con­cer­ning mea­su­res for a high com­mon level of secu­ri­ty of net­work and infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems across the Uni­on” (the NIS Direc­ti­ve, for short), which took effect in 2016, repre­sen­ted the first attempt by Euro­pean law­ma­kers to crea­te a stan­dard level of IT secu­ri­ty for cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tu­re in Euro­pe. To this end, mini­mum requi­re­ments were adopted for ope­ra­tors of essen­ti­al ser­vices and digi­tal ser­vice pro­vi­ders, as well as report­ing duties in case of secu­ri­ty inci­dents. The Direc­ti­ve also cal­led for buil­ding up cyber­se­cu­ri­ty capa­ci­ty Europe-wide and encou­ra­ging mem­ber sta­tes to coope­ra­te more clo­se­ly in this area. The sec­tors affec­ted by the Direc­ti­ve include the finan­cial and insu­rance sec­tors, health care, ship­ping and trans­por­ta­ti­on, ener­gy, water, food and bevera­ge and digi­tal infra­struc­tu­re, as well as key pro­vi­ders of digi­tal ser­vices, such as online mar­ket­places and search engi­ne operators.

But now, four years after it took effect, a cur­rent initia­ti­ve of the EU Com­mis­si­on calls for a review and revi­si­on of the Direc­ti­ve. Part of the pro­cess is a public con­sul­ta­ti­on con­cer­ning the Commission’s road map, which began on 25 June 2020 and is sche­du­led to con­clude on 13 August 2020. The Commission’s first objec­ti­ve is to cla­ri­fy whe­ther the level of IT secu­ri­ty in Euro­pe has in fact impro­ved. But the Com­mis­si­on would also like to iden­ti­fy cur­rent and future chal­lenges in this area and, ulti­m­ate­ly, to eva­lua­te the cos­ts and bene­fits of regu­la­ti­on. Along­side this first pha­se of the con­sul­ta­ti­on pro­cess, the Com­mis­si­on is also con­duc­ting a questionnaire-based eva­lua­ti­on of the Direc­ti­ve, which began on 7 July 2020 and is sche­du­led to con­clude on 2 Octo­ber 2020.

Even at this ear­ly date, it is alre­a­dy evi­dent that the Com­mis­si­on is high­ly likely to make chan­ges to the NIS Direc­ti­ve and that we can expect requi­re­ments for ope­ra­tors to beco­me stric­ter, as was the case with the IT Secu­ri­ty Act 2.0. The­re is also talk of with­dra­wing the Direc­ti­ve in favor of a sin­gle set of rules, pos­si­bly even in the form of a Regu­la­ti­on. It remains unclear how the pre­vious­ly men­tio­ned efforts by the Ger­man govern­ment to enact natio­nal rules by way of the revi­sed IT Secu­ri­ty Act will accord with plans at the Euro­pean level. It appears enti­re­ly pos­si­ble that the Ger­man govern­ment will end up imple­men­ting key aspects of the new rules on its own, as was the case when the NIS Direc­ti­ve was first intro­du­ced. In this case, the­re is likely to be ten­si­on bet­ween Ger­man and Euro­pean law.


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