Final ver­si­on of the AI Act

Com­pa­nies need to adapt their AI strategy

Fol­lo­wing the long-fought poli­ti­cal agree­ment of the EU insti­tu­ti­ons on the AI Act on 8 Decem­ber 2023, a final com­pro­mi­se text of the AI Act is now in place (we last repor­ted on this on 22 June 2023 and 15 Febru­ary 2023). The AI Act repres­ents a risk-based approach to the regu­la­ti­on of AI. It con­ta­ins the defi­ni­ti­on of AI, the descrip­ti­on of pro­hi­bi­ted AI prac­ti­ces, requi­re­ments for high-risk AI and general- pur­po­se AI models (GPAI).

To be on the safe side, com­pa­nies should incor­po­ra­te the new legal requi­re­ments of the AI Act into their AI strategy.

Scope of appli­ca­ti­on of the AI Act

Trans­la­ted lite­ral­ly, Art. 3 (1) of the AI Act defi­nes an AI sys­tem as “a machine-based sys­tem desi­gned to ope­ra­te with vary­ing levels of auto­no­my and that may exhi­bit adap­ti­ve­ness after deploy­ment and that, for expli­cit or impli­cit objec­ti­ves, infers, from the input it recei­ves, how to gene­ra­te out­puts such as pre­dic­tions, con­tent, recom­men­da­ti­ons, or decis­i­ons that can influence phy­si­cal or vir­tu­al environments”.

The defi­ni­ti­on cor­re­sponds to inter­na­tio­nal stan­dards, but is still very broad. Com­pa­nies should the­r­e­fo­re note that any soft­ware or machine-aided sys­tems they offer might fall under this defi­ni­ti­on and must then ful­fil the dif­fe­ren­tia­ted requi­re­ments of the AI Act.

The AI Act is bin­ding for com­pa­nies that place AI sys­tems or GPAI models on the EU mar­ket, regard­less of whe­re they are estab­lished or based. Importers, dis­tri­bu­tors, manu­fac­tu­r­ers, aut­ho­ri­sed repre­sen­ta­ti­ves and affec­ted per­sons in the EU are also addres­sed by the AI Act.

Pro­hi­bi­ted AI practices

The AI Act pro­hi­bits the use of AI in a way that is incom­pa­ti­ble with the fun­da­men­tal rights or values of the EU. The fol­lo­wing pro­hi­bi­ti­ons are of par­ti­cu­lar rele­van­ce to com­pa­nies due to their broad definition:

  • Sub­li­mi­nal tech­ni­ques bey­ond a person’s con­scious­ness or pur­po­seful­ly mani­pu­la­ti­ve or decep­ti­ve tech­ni­ques, with the objec­ti­ve to or the effect of mate­ri­al­ly dis­tort­ing a person’s or a group of per­sons’ beha­viour, that cau­se or are likely to cau­se a per­son or group of per­sons signi­fi­cant harm;
  • AI sys­tems that exploit any of the vul­nerabi­li­ties of a per­son or a spe­ci­fic group of per­sons due to their age, disa­bi­li­ty or a spe­ci­fic social or eco­no­mic situation;
  • Bio­me­tric cate­go­ri­sa­ti­on sys­tems that cate­go­ri­se indi­vi­du­al­ly natu­ral per­sons based on their bio­me­tric data to dedu­ce or infer sen­si­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on such as their race, poli­ti­cal opi­ni­ons etc.;
  • Social scoring;
  • AI sys­tems and ser­vices that use facial reco­gni­ti­on data­ba­ses through the unt­ar­ge­ted scra­ping of facial images from the inter­net or CCTV foo­ta­ge as well as AI sys­tems that are used for the spe­ci­fic pur­po­se of infer­ring emo­ti­ons of a natu­ral per­son in the are­as of work­place and edu­ca­ti­on insti­tu­ti­ons, except for medi­cal or safe­ty reasons (e. g. for moni­to­ring the fati­gue sta­tus of a pilot).

High-risk AI sys­tems and com­pre­hen­si­ve risk assessment

The risk-based approach of the AI Act, which is alre­a­dy known from the pro­po­sal for an AI regu­la­ti­on, is par­ti­cu­lar­ly evi­dent in the clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of high-risk AI and the obli­ga­ti­ons in con­nec­tion with high-risk AI. In con­trast, pro­vi­ders and deploy­ers of “low-risk” AI sys­tems only have to ensu­re a “suf­fi­ci­ent level of AI liter­acy” (AI know­ledge taking into account the rights and obli­ga­ti­ons in the con­text of the AI Act and awa­re­ness about the oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks of AI and pos­si­ble harm it can cau­se) of the per­sons invol­ved in the ope­ra­ti­on and use of AI sys­tems on behalf of the­se pro­vi­ders and deploy­ers, while high-risk AI is sub­ject to most of the obli­ga­ti­ons sti­pu­la­ted by the AI Act.

AI is cate­go­ri­sed as high-risk AI by the degree of signi­fi­can­ce of the risk it poses to health, safe­ty and fun­da­men­tal rights of the EU. The AI sys­tems lis­ted in Annex III of the AI Act auto­ma­ti­cal­ly qua­li­fy as high-risk AI sys­tems, e. g. cer­tain cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tures such as water, gas and elec­tri­ci­ty sup­p­ly or medi­cal devices (see also our artic­le “AI-based medi­cal devices: MDR ver­sus AI Regu­la­ti­on”). In addi­ti­on, an AI sys­tem is con­side­red high-risk AI under Art. 6 (1) of the AI Act if it is inte­gra­ted into a pro­duct as a safe­ty com­po­nent or the AI sys­tem its­elf is a pro­duct that falls under the New Legis­la­ti­ve Frame­work (NLF) or other har­mo­nis­ed EU legis­la­ti­on lis­ted in Annex II of the AI Act, and the pro­duct with the AI safe­ty com­po­nent or the AI sys­tem its­elf requi­res a con­for­mi­ty assess­ment by a third par­ty befo­re being pla­ced on the mar­ket. This includes, among­st others, legis­la­ti­on on machi­nery, toys, mari­ne equip­ment, motor vehic­les, ATEX, pres­su­re equip­ment and medi­cal devices (e. g. MDR and IVDR).

Howe­ver, the­re are excep­ti­ons. Con­ver­se­ly, AI sys­tems shall not be con­side­red as high-risk AI if they do not pose signi­fi­cant risks to health, safe­ty or EU fun­da­men­tal rights (Art. 6 (2a) of the AI Act).

In this con­text, pro­vi­ders and deploy­ers of high-risk AI sys­tems must ful­fil and imple­ment important obli­ga­ti­ons, such as risk manage­ment, a fun­da­men­tal rights impact assess­ment, a qua­li­ty manage­ment sys­tem appro­pria­te to the size of the provider’s orga­ni­sa­ti­on to ensu­re con­for­mi­ty and suf­fi­ci­ent (tech­ni­cal) docu­men­ta­ti­on. Even if con­for­mi­ty assess­ments have alre­a­dy been car­ri­ed out for pro­ducts that fall under the har­mo­ni­sa­ti­on legis­la­ti­on, com­pa­nies must take par­ti­cu­lar account of the pro­duct safe­ty and qua­li­ty requi­re­ments for the AI com­po­nent in the risk ana­ly­sis to be car­ri­ed out. Par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on must be paid to the new­ly added EU fun­da­men­tal rights impact assess­ment in the con­text of high-risk AI requi­re­ments. Howe­ver, this requi­re­ment is expec­ted to be ful­fil­led by com­ple­ting a ques­ti­on­n­aire and con­cerns only pro­vi­ders and deploy­ers of KI sys­tems that use KI in bodies gover­ned by public law, pri­va­te actors pro­vi­ding public ser­vices, and deploy­ers that are ban­king and insu­rance ser­vice pro­vi­ders using AI sys­tems lis­ted as high-risk in Annex III, point 5, (b) and (ca) of the AI Act.

GPAI regu­la­ti­ons

The cur­rent com­pro­mi­se text distin­gu­is­hes bet­ween two dif­fe­rent types of GPAI: “GPAI models” and “GPAI models with sys­te­mic risk”. A GPAI model is dee­med to pose a sys­te­mic risk (as defi­ned by Art. 52a of the AI Act) if it has high impact capa­bi­li­ties eva­lua­ted on the basis of appro­pria­te tech­ni­cal tools and metho­do­lo­gies. If, for exam­p­le, the trai­ning of the GPAI alre­a­dy requi­res an amount of com­pu­te grea­ter than 10^25 FLOPs, the GPAI model has a high impact capa­bi­li­ty and is a GPAI model with sys­te­mic risk (as defi­ned by Art. 52a of the AI Act.) The pro­vi­ders of the first-mentioned models only have to com­ply with a smal­ler num­ber of “mini­mum requi­re­ments” such as trans­pa­ren­cy and docu­men­ta­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons. Art. 52 of the AI Act sets out trans­pa­ren­cy obli­ga­ti­ons for pro­vi­ders of GPAI models and deploy­ers of cer­tain AI sys­tems, inclu­ding inter alia the dis­clo­sure of inter­ac­tion with AI sys­tems and the mar­king of con­tent or out­put gene­ra­ted or mani­pu­la­ted by AI systems.

The AI Act sub­jects GPAI with sys­te­mic risk to addi­tio­nal and stric­ter requi­re­ments set out in Art. 52d of the AI Act. The pro­vi­ders of such high-performance GPAI models with sys­te­mic risk will be requi­red, among other things, to assess and miti­ga­te sys­te­mic risks, report serious inci­dents, per­form state-of-the-art test­ing and model eva­lua­tions and ensu­re cyber­se­cu­ri­ty. GPAI models with sys­te­mic risk might include, for exam­p­le, the GPT‑4 model from OpenAI.

Legis­la­ti­ve steps to come

The adop­ti­on of the AI Act by the EU Par­lia­ment and a Coun­cil con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on is still awai­ted. This is sche­du­led for the first half of the year. If it is adopted as plan­ned, a stag­ge­red start of appli­ca­ti­on is inten­ded for indi­vi­du­al are­as, e. g. after six months alre­a­dy for pro­hi­bi­ted AI prac­ti­ces, after one year for GPAI and after three years for high-risk AI sys­tems fal­ling under Art. 6 (1) of the AI Act and the cor­re­spon­ding regulations.


The adop­ti­on of the AI Act is fast approa­ching. Com­pa­nies should alre­a­dy now check whe­ther their pro­ducts with inte­gra­ted AI com­pon­ents are to be con­side­red as high-risk AI, whe­ther their GPAI models pose a sys­te­mic risk and whe­ther they are using poten­ti­al­ly pro­hi­bi­ted AI prac­ti­ces. It should also be noted that many spe­ci­fic obli­ga­ti­ons still depend on the design of the num­e­rous imple­men­ting acts and the secon­da­ry legis­la­ti­on still to be adopted.


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