Land­mark ruling by the ECJ on Artic­le 82 of the GDPR

Will the­re be more actions for non-material dama­ges in the future in case of data pro­tec­tion violations?

Com­pa­nies always face the risk of being sued by data sub­jects in the event of a data breach. The out­co­me of such cases has long been the sub­ject of con­sidera­ble uncer­tain­ty, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in cases whe­re dama­ges are sought for pain and suf­fe­ring, i.e. whe­re the plain­ti­ff asserts claims to non-material dama­ges. After all, very dif­fe­rent views have been expres­sed in the natio­nal case law and in the lite­ra­tu­re with regard to the requi­re­ments for an action for dama­ges in accordance with Artic­le 82 of the GDPR. But the ECJ put an end to all that in its land­mark ruling of 4 May 2023 (Case No. C‑300/21), which sets clear gui­de­lines for the award of dama­ges for pain and suffering.


The case invol­ves an action brought by a data sub­ject against Öster­rei­chi­sche Post AG. The action char­ged that the lat­ter had con­duc­ted an auto­ma­ted sur­vey of the poli­ti­cal affi­ni­ties of the Aus­tri­an public in which it had – fal­se­ly – ascri­bed to the data sub­ject an affi­ni­ty for a right-wing poli­ti­cal par­ty. The data sub­ject argued that he is owed reasonable com­pen­sa­ti­on for the unp­lea­sant­ness he suf­fe­r­ed as a result. After being denied in the first two ins­tances, the action was refer­red to the ECJ by the Aus­tri­an Supre­me Court with a request for a preli­mi­na­ry ruling as to the con­di­ti­ons for asser­ting a right to com­pen­sa­ti­on in accordance with the GDPR.

Over­view of the ECJ’s Ruling

In its ruling, the ECJ found that a dama­ge cla­im in accordance with the GDPR may be asser­ted if three cumu­la­ti­ve con­di­ti­ons are met: vio­la­ti­on of the GDPR, pre­sence of mate­ri­al or non-material dama­ges as a con­se­quence of that vio­la­ti­on and the exis­tence of a cau­sal link bet­ween the vio­la­ti­on and the damages.

  1. Mere vio­la­ti­on of the GDPR is not enough to estab­lish a dama­ge cla­im
    Accor­ding to the ECJ’s decis­i­on, a dama­ge cla­im in accordance with Artic­le 82 of the GDPR requi­res not only a vio­la­ti­on of the GDPR but also the cau­sa­ti­on of dama­ges to the data sub­ject. In other words, the data sub­ject must have sus­tained mate­ri­al or non-material dama­ges. The ECJ found that Artic­le 82 of the GDPR ser­ves a com­pen­sa­to­ry func­tion unli­ke Artic­les 83 and 84 of the GDPR (fines and other pen­al­ties), which are of a puni­ti­ve cha­rac­ter. The ECJ the­r­e­fo­re con­cluded that the­se sta­tu­tes repre­sent two dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ters of legal reme­dies which com­ple­ment each other “in terms of encou­ra­ging com­pli­ance with the GDPR.”
  2. No mate­ria­li­ty thres­hold
    The ECJ also found in its decis­i­on that dama­ge claims are not rest­ric­ted to non-material dama­ges which reach a cer­tain level of serious­ness. In other words, the­re is no de mini­mis limit for claims. Rather, the ECJ held that Artic­le 82 of the GDPR appli­es to all dama­ges ari­sing from vio­la­ti­ons of data pro­tec­tion law, both mate­ri­al and non-material, so that even mere dis­com­fort on the part of the data sub­ject may be enough to estab­lish a cla­im to com­pen­sa­ti­on. But at the same time, the ECJ stres­sed that its broad inter­pre­ta­ti­on on this ques­ti­on does not excu­se data sub­jects from their duty to fur­nish evi­dence estab­li­shing that their dama­ges were actual­ly attri­bu­ta­ble to the data pro­tec­tion vio­la­ti­on. A cau­sal link bet­ween the dama­ges and the vio­la­ti­on remains neces­sa­ry and must be estab­lished by the data subject.
  3. Assess­ment of dama­ges in accordance with natio­nal law
    Asi­de from the gene­ral prin­ci­ples of equi­va­lence and effec­ti­ve­ness, the ECJ found that he amount of the dama­ges must be deter­mi­ned in accordance with the natio­nal rules of the rele­vant coun­try. As grounds for this fin­ding, the ECJ par­ti­cu­lar­ly cited the fact that Artic­le 82 con­ta­ins no gui­de­lines with regard to assess­ment of dama­ges, and that no other pro­vi­si­on of EU law exists which does so. Accor­din­gly, the GDPR places no obs­ta­cle to assess­ment of the dama­ge amount based on the natio­nal lia­bi­li­ty laws of the mem­ber sta­tes. The actu­al form of the com­pen­sa­ti­on may also be deter­mi­ned in accordance with natio­nal law, so that e.g. a con­fes­si­on of the inf­rin­ge­ment or skim­ming off unlawful pro­fits may come into con­side­ra­ti­on in addi­ti­on to purely finan­cial com­pen­sa­ti­on. The only requi­re­ment is that the finan­cial com­pen­sa­ti­on, while regard­ed as “full and effec­ti­ve,” must not be of a puni­ti­ve character.

Con­clu­si­on and Recom­men­da­ti­on for Companies

Alt­hough the ECJ’s ruling goes a long way towards crea­ting legal cer­tain­ty by spe­ci­fy­ing the con­di­ti­ons for a cla­im under Artic­le 82 of the GDPR, it is in fact a nega­ti­ve deve­lo­p­ment for com­pa­nies. Becau­se the decis­i­on lowers the requi­re­ments for awar­ding dama­ges, com­pa­nies can expect to face a lar­ge num­ber of dama­ge claims and incre­asing­ly nega­ti­ve ver­dicts. This poses a con­sidera­ble risk for com­pa­nies, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the event of major data brea­ches, e.g. as a result of a cyber­at­tacks. Com­pa­nies should the­r­e­fo­re main­tain a per­ma­nent and sca­lable data pro­tec­tion com­pli­ance pro­cess in each case, inclu­ding pre­ven­ti­ve action to avo­id future vio­la­ti­ons of the GDPR as well as mea­su­res for defence against dama­ge claims. Only in this way will com­pa­nies be able to ensu­re a suc­cessful defence in court proceedings.


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