Con­tract draf­ting for digi­tal busi­ness models

Estab­lish clear rules, ensu­re trust and mini­mi­se lia­bi­li­ty risks

Whe­ther strea­ming ser­vices, cloud plat­forms, car sha­ring or online shops – digi­tal busi­ness models have beco­me an inte­gral part of ever­y­day life. The deve­lo­p­ment of digi­tal busi­ness models and the use of modern tech­no­lo­gies offer gre­at eco­no­mic poten­ti­al, espe­ci­al­ly for com­pa­nies, but also pose legal chal­lenges and poten­ti­al lia­bi­li­ty risks. Con­tract design the­r­e­fo­re plays a key role in digi­tal busi­ness models. The con­trac­tu­al defi­ni­ti­on of rights, obli­ga­ti­ons and respon­si­bi­li­ties of the con­trac­ting par­ties is essen­ti­al and indis­pensable in order to crea­te trans­pa­ren­cy and legal certainty.

IT con­tract law

Just as the ran­ge of digi­tal busi­ness models is diver­se, their legal struc­tu­re is also com­plex. Digi­tal busi­ness models are cha­rac­te­ri­sed by new and digi­tal sources of reve­nue and cus­to­mer acqui­si­ti­on stra­te­gies. The­r­e­fo­re, the basis for con­tract design first of all is the detail­ed descrip­ti­on of the ser­vice, such as the pro­vi­si­on and use of the pro­ducts or ser­vices offe­red. Fre­quent­ly, mixed con­cepts are offe­red that are made up of various com­pon­ents. Depen­ding on the busi­ness model, regu­la­ti­ons from purcha­se, ren­tal, work or ser­vice con­tract law must be obser­ved. The digi­tal world also brings about new risks of lia­bi­li­ty, e. g. for the fail­ure of online ser­vices. Con­tracts must cle­ar­ly regu­la­te the war­ran­ty and lia­bi­li­ty obli­ga­ti­ons of the con­trac­ting par­ties in order to avo­id dis­pu­tes and claims for dama­ges. The regu­la­ti­ons must be adapt­ed to the appli­ca­ble digi­tal busi­ness model and remain within the limits of the law on gene­ral terms and conditions.

Intellec­tu­al property

In addi­ti­on to IT con­tract law, intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty also plays an important role. Com­pa­nies must ensu­re that they own the neces­sa­ry rights in and to the con­tent used and they must include appro­pria­te terms of use for their cus­to­mers. The use of open source soft­ware (OSS) poses a par­ti­cu­lar chall­enge. Even if OSS is “open source” soft­ware, it is not free of rights and is some­ti­mes sub­ject to strict licence con­di­ti­ons. Com­pa­nies should the­r­e­fo­re check whe­ther they are using OSS and ensu­re com­pli­ance with the appli­ca­ble licence con­di­ti­ons, as licence vio­la­ti­ons can have serious con­se­quen­ces such as injunc­ti­ve reli­ef claims and claims for dama­ges. If a com­pa­ny deve­lo­ps OSS fur­ther, it is also neces­sa­ry to choo­se sui­ta­ble licence con­di­ti­ons. Spe­cial chal­lenges also ari­se when using AI-generated content.

Data pro­tec­tion

The pro­vi­si­on of digi­tal busi­ness models often invol­ves the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data. In this case, the data pro­tec­tion respon­si­bi­li­ties of all par­ties must first be asses­sed. Depen­ding on the busi­ness model, con­tracts for com­mis­sio­ned data pro­ces­sing or joint con­trol­ler­ship may need to be review­ed and/or drawn up on this basis. The con­tracts must con­tain clear regu­la­ti­ons on data pro­tec­tion and data secu­ri­ty. This can pose a chall­enge due to the strict requi­re­ments impo­sed by the data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ties. In par­ti­cu­lar, cri­ti­cal aspects such as the con­trol­ler’s ins­truc­tion and con­trol rights, the pro­ces­sor’s sup­port obli­ga­ti­ons or the dele­ti­on of data after the task has been com­ple­ted must be taken into account when draf­ting contracts.


The EU has respon­ded to the incre­asing cyber thre­ats. While the regu­la­ti­on of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty has so far been rather unclear and frag­men­ted, the new Euro­pean cyber­se­cu­ri­ty law places num­e­rous spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and obli­ga­ti­ons on com­pa­nies. The scope of appli­ca­ti­on of the new cyber­se­cu­ri­ty law is broad, mea­ning that all con­trac­tu­al part­ners, sup­pli­ers and ser­vice pro­vi­ders of a com­pa­ny must gua­ran­tee an appro­pria­te level of cyber­se­cu­ri­ty. Con­trac­tu­al regu­la­ti­ons are the means of choice to ensu­re this. In view of the incre­asing num­ber of secu­ri­ty inci­dents, con­trac­tu­al regu­la­ti­ons for all sup­pli­ers and ser­vice pro­vi­ders and the pas­sing on of obli­ga­ti­ons in the sup­p­ly chain are essen­ti­al and indis­pensable. At the same time, this redu­ces the risk of sanc­tions and mea­su­res by the super­vi­so­ry authorities.


In order to suc­cessful­ly deve­lop and mar­ket digi­tal busi­ness models, com­pa­nies must fami­lia­ri­se them­sel­ves with the num­e­rous regu­la­ti­ons of digi­tal law and draw up cor­re­spon­ding con­tracts. Exis­ting con­tracts should also be review­ed regularly.

You can find more tips on this in our one­pager on draf­ting con­tracts for digi­tal busi­ness models.


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