The Sup­p­ly Chain Due Dili­gence Act takes effect on 1 Janu­ary 2023


Last week, Germany’s Fede­ral Par­lia­ment adopted the new Sup­p­ly Chain Due Dili­gence Act (PDF only in Ger­man). The new law will enter into force on 1 Janu­ary 2023 and will take effect imme­dia­te­ly for com­pa­nies with 3,000 or more employees, and on 1 Janu­ary 2024 for com­pa­nies with 1,000 or more employees. The law will only app­ly to com­pa­nies who­se head office, prin­ci­pal estab­lish­ment, cen­ter of admi­nis­tra­ti­on or regis­tered office is in Germany.


Com­pa­nies within the scope of the Act will be requi­red to ana­ly­ze their ope­ra­ti­ons and sup­p­ly chains (pro­cu­re­ment and dis­tri­bu­ti­on) in order to ensu­re adhe­rence to human rights and envi­ron­men­tal requi­re­ments, as well as taking pre­ven­ti­ve and reme­di­al actions.

As for the spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments which com­pa­nies will have to satis­fy with regard to human rights and the envi­ron­ment, the Act sta­tes that com­pa­nies will be requi­red to adhe­re to the inter­na­tio­nal trea­ties and con­ven­ti­ons which are lis­ted in an annex to the Act. The Act now includes addi­tio­nal envi­ron­men­tal requi­re­ments with regard to the import and export of was­te and was­te traf­fi­cking, and the “Basel Con­ven­ti­on” (only in Ger­man) has now been express­ly included, as well as the “Stock­holm Con­ven­ti­on” (PDF only in Ger­man) and the “Min­ama­ta Con­ven­ti­on.”

Lia­bi­li­ty Risks

The Sup­p­ly Chain Due Dili­gence Act its­elf does not estab­lish lia­bi­li­ty for vio­la­ti­ons of the­se requi­re­ments and their con­se­quen­ces. Howe­ver, the­re is still a risk of gene­ral tort law lia­bi­li­ty in accordance with §§ 823(1) and (2) of the Civil Code for vio­la­ti­ons of due dili­gence requi­re­ments and so-called “pro­tec­ti­ve legis­la­ti­on.” Whe­ther and how lia­bi­li­ty of this kind will deve­lop, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in inter­na­tio­nal cases whe­re the rules of inter­na­tio­nal pri­va­te law app­ly, will only beco­me clear in prac­ti­ce. But it will be inte­res­t­ing to see what the EU Com­mis­si­on ulti­m­ate­ly publishes and puts into effect in the coming months with regard to the pro­po­sed EU Sup­p­ly Chain Direc­ti­ve, as this will be decisi­ve in case of doubt.

It is also important to under­stand that, as sta­ted in its legis­la­ti­ve intent, the Act does not requi­re any com­pa­ny to do the impos­si­ble (eit­her legal­ly or fac­tual­ly). Accor­din­gly, any lia­bi­li­ty for com­pa­nies would be limi­t­ed and would have to be eva­lua­ted on a case-by-case basis. Moreo­ver, tho­se affec­ted would have to explain and fur­nish evi­dence that the due dili­gence requi­re­ments were violated.

Recom­men­ded Actions

Com­pa­nies affec­ted by the Act should take action as soon as pos­si­ble in order to ensu­re that they will com­ply with the Act as of 1 Janu­ary 2023. In addi­ti­on to lia­bi­li­ty risks in civil law, the­re may also be a risk of signi­fi­cant fines and pen­al­ties, as well as exclu­si­on from ten­der pro­ce­du­res for public con­tracts. But smal­ler com­pa­nies should also take heed: com­pa­nies which are direct­ly affec­ted by the Act will (have to) try to obli­ga­te their sup­pli­ers to com­ply with their own requi­re­ments, so that due dili­gence requi­re­ments might get in “through the back door.”

In addi­ti­on, deve­lo­p­ments at the EU level should be wat­ched closely.


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