Brexit to place demands on the sup­p­ly chain

Immi­nent chan­ges in goods traffic

An artic­le by Phil­ipp Reusch in the maga­zi­ne Qua­li­ty Engi­nee­ring (Issue 1/2018)

In 2017, the United King­dom (UK) declared its inten­ti­on to lea­ve the Euro­pean Uni­on; with far-reaching con­se­quen­ces, also for com­pa­nies in the remai­ning 27 EU count­ries. As from 30 March 2019, accor­din­gly, the UK will be a non-member coun­try. In the cur­rent issue of Qua­li­ty Engi­nee­ring, Phil­ipp Reusch shows what the par­ties in goods traf­fic are going to have to cope with from the point of view of pro­duct lia­bi­li­ty law: the roles and the sup­p­ly chain of dis­tri­bu­tor, importer and manu­fac­tu­rer will need to be reorganised. 

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