reusch­law White­pa­per: Deforestation-free glo­bal sup­p­ly chains

As part of the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Green Deal, the EU is streng­thening sus­taina­bi­li­ty in sup­p­ly chains by way of new legal acts. The agree­ment of the Coun­cil and the EU Par­lia­ment on
a new regu­la­ti­on on deforestation-free sup­p­ly chains on 6 Decem­ber 2022 repres­ents an important step in this direction.1 The Euro­pean Green Deal is a stra­tegy paper of the Euro­pean
Com­mis­si­on, pre­sen­ted in Decem­ber 2019. Through num­e­rous revi­si­ons and the crea­ti­on of
new bin­ding legal acts, the EU is to be cli­ma­te neu­tral by 2050. The stra­tegy paper as such is
not legal­ly bin­ding. Howe­ver, on 24 June 2021, the Euro­pean Cli­ma­te Chan­ge Act, which is
bin­ding on all EU mem­ber sta­tes, was pas­sed, set­ting the goal of cli­ma­te neu­tra­li­ty by 2050.
Cli­ma­te neu­tra­li­ty is unders­tood to mean releasing no net green­house gas emis­si­ons from 2050
and achie­ving the decou­pling of eco­no­mic growth from resour­ce use.

In this white paper, Saskia Witt­brodt and Wie­te Her­weg pre­sent the cur­rent legal frame­work for pla­cing wood on the mar­ket as a raw mate­ri­al and the wood pro­ducts made from it, and intro­du­ce the new regu­la­ti­on on deforestation-free sup­p­ly chains.

You can down­load the full white paper here.


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