reusch­law White­pa­per: The Euro­pean Green Deal

An over­view of the imple­men­ta­ti­on & impact on companies

Against the back­drop of the Paris Agree­ment, the EU has set its­elf the goal of a com­ple­te­ly climate-neutral eco­no­my by 2050 with the Green Deal. Num­e­rous new legal acts are plan­ned to achie­ve this, such as the Ecode­sign and Bat­tery Regu­la­ti­ons. Exis­ting legis­la­ti­on is being broad­ly revi­sed. In order to redu­ce green­house gas emis­si­ons by more than half by 2030, the­re are stra­te­gies for the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my, the ther­mal effi­ci­en­cy of buil­dings, indus­tri­al emis­si­on cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and, last but not least, agri­cul­tu­re. Vehic­le, air­craft and ship traf­fic are to be sub­ject to stric­ter requi­re­ments, as is the che­mi­cal indus­try. The Com­mis­si­on is con­stant­ly expan­ding its packa­ge of measures.

In this white paper, we have sum­ma­ri­sed the most important pro­jects for com­pa­nies as of May 2023 and, in addi­ti­on to their con­tent, also pre­sent the effects on the eco­no­my in each case.

You can down­load the full white paper here.


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